Hi there sCHuTt, correct isop works with operators.
And there is also ishop for half op. Here's a little alias I made to see if they're an admin.
alias isadmin {
if ($left($nick($chan,$1).pnick,1) == &) { return $true }
return $false
On *:Text:*whatever*:#: {
if ($isadmin($nick)) msg $chan ..
How it works:
$nick($chan,<Nick>).pnick returns their status in the channel for example: +Andy or @Andy etc. Now we want to check if the first character is a + or an @ or in your case admin (&).
So we use:
@Andy returns @
+Andy returns +
As for the alias if it's confirmed it's an & we get the result $true otherwise $false.
//echo -a $isadmin(AdminNick) returns $true if they're an admin (&)
Hope this helps (even just a little).
Edit: Alot simpler above this post and makes mine obsolete.