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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hello scripters, I thought it'd be nice to see the scripters on this forum come together to participate in a thread, which would not only be fun, but also a way to think creatively, and to improve the scripting skills a bit, or perhaps to get see some new ideas or scripting techniques. We often see people asking for hint systems, and trivia bots are popular script projects where these systems are often used. I thought'd it'd be a nice idea to see what kind of different hint systems people can come up with. So here is my proposal Post a hint system, which hasn't been posted in this thread yet. The idea though is that you make it yourself, so that you can be creative, and practice a bit in scripting. I would like to see atleast 10 different kind of hint systems, preferably not all from the same person Some guidelines- Don't copy/paste code from somewhere, that's useless.
- If a certain hint system has already been posted, it is possible for people to post the same hint system which uses a different method to accomplish. But don't go bashing other people's code please.
- Make your code as optimized as possible.
- When posting code, explain its function, provide an example, and use the code tags.
; Usage: $myhintsystem(<input>,<N>) ; ; Example: //echo -a $myhintsystem(this is a test,3) ; ; --> thi* is a tes* ;
alias myhintsystem {
So common people, give it your best shot, show me what you can come up with. Some examples to get you goingScrambled hint (there's many possible variations) Only showing certain letters. Words in different order. N first letters of each word. ... It would be nice to see some examples that don't use variables, some that do, some that use a scripted while loop, some who take advantage of an internal loop, some using recursion, $regsub, binvars... you name it. Though, if you use a non-common technique, please give a little explanation so that people can benefit from it. To the less experienced scripters: don't be afraid to post what you have, no one is going to laugh at your code, I just want to see what you can come up with. To non-scripters: now's the time to request hint systems, if you have a good idea! (looks at monk) To advanced scripters: please don't post all what you can think of all at once, or nothing will be left to script. Perhaps give one hint system, and wait a bit. Happy scripting 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, here's a very simple one, very being the keyword here. I'll optimize itwhen I'm more awake, hehe. It's using the $prop identifier. This is 1 of the 10 methods. 
alias start.hint {
set %hint $$1-
echo -a $hint(%hint).1
.timerhint2 1 15 echo -a $hint(%hint).2
.timerhint3 1 30 echo -a $hint(%hint).3
alias hint {
if ($prop == 1) { return 1st. $replace(%hint,a,*,b,*,c,*,d,*,e,*,f,*,g,*,h,*,i,*,j,*,k,*,l,*,m,*,n,*,o,*,p,*,q,*,r,*,s,*,t,*,u,*,v,*,w,*,x,*,y,*,z,*) }
if ($prop == 2) { return 2nd. $replace(%hint,b,*,c,*,d,*,f,*,g,*,h,*,j,*,k,*,l,*,m,*,n,*,p,*,q,*,r,*,s,*,t,*,v,*,w,*,x,*,y,*,z,*) }
if ($prop == 3) { return Times up! %hint }
2 methods 1. Using the /start.hint command echoes the hint as stars 15 seconds down the line adds the vowels 30 seconds down the line you'd of failed to answer. /start.hint <word> 1st. <****> 2nd. <*o**> Times up! --> <word> <-- 2. Using the custom identifier (not timers).. //echo -a $hint(FiberOPtics).1 returns 1st. *********** //echo -a $hint(FiberOPtics).2 returns 2nd. *i*e*O**i** //echo -a $hint(FiberOPtics).3 returns Times up! --> FiberOPtics <-- -Andy
Last edited by SladeKraven; 28/04/05 05:25 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if ($prop == 1) { return 1st. $replace(%hint,a,*,b,*,c,*,d,*,e,*,f,*,g,*,h,*,i,*,j,*,k,*,l,*,m,*,n,*,o,*,p,*,q,*,r,*,s,*,t,*,u,*,v,*,w,*,x,*,y,*,z,*) } if ($prop == 1) { return $str(*, $len(%hint)) }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Instead of setting a variable, why not just use $1 alias start.hint {
set %hint $$1-
echo -a $hint(%hint).1
.timerhint2 1 15 echo -a $hint(%hint).2
.timerhint3 1 30 echo -a $hint(%hint).3
} alias start.hint {
echo -a $hint($$1).1
.timerhint2 1 15 echo -a $hint($1).2
.timerhint3 1 30 echo -a $hint($1).3
} Same goes to the hint alias.
If you have a plastic floor runner over your tiles, then you're one Hella Pinoy!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if ($prop == 1) { return $str(*, $len(%hint)) }
//echo -a $hint(this is a test).1 would return ***********
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well I don't know why I didn't set the var in the actual hint alias itself  , I usually use vars to hold the string rather than using $$1- just a habbit.  PS. where's everyone elses!?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i think you were right but i would have done even more and used alias start.hint {
set %hint $$1-
echo -a $hint(%hint).1
.timerhint2 1 15 echo -a $!hint(%hint).2
.timerhint3 1 30 echo -a $!hint(%hint).3
} You just never know when the %hint and thus the $hint(%hint).3 might just have a " | exit " in it, or something worse.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yep that's very true, thanks for poining that out dude! Nicely done. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Common people, so far only corrections have been added, where's the hint systems!?! :tongue: Here's one from me. ; Usage: $Nfirstletters(<string>,N,<char>) ; ; Example: //echo -a $Nfirstletters(this is a test,2,?) , , -> th?? is a te?? ; ; Shows the N first letters of each word in the input string alias Nfirstletters {
var %a, %b = $regsub($1,/(?<=\S{ $+ $2})\S/g,$replace($$3,\,\\,$,\$),%a)
return %a
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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;Usage: /hints <text here> ;Example: /hints o lk abc defh ijklm nopqrs tuvwxyz ;Return: o l* a** d*** i**** n***** t****** ;Return: * ** *** **** **k** **pq** ***w*** ;Return: o *k **c ***h ****m *****s ******z ;Note: If the length of the word is smaller than 4 it only shows ;the First and Last letters, otherwise it shows the First, Last ;AND the middle letter. alias hints { var %r = $1- echo -a $hint(%r).s .timerhint2 1 1 echo -a $hint(%r).m .timerhint3 1 2 echo -a $hint(%r).f } alias hint { var %i 1 while $gettok($1,%i,32) { var %z = $gettok($1,%i,32),%p = $calc(($len(%z)+1)/2),%o = $str(*,$calc($floor(%p) -1)) $+ $mid(%z,%p,$iif(*.5 iswm %p,2,1)) var %r = %r $iif($prop == s,$left(%z,1) $+ $str(*,$calc($len(%z)-1)),$iif($prop == f,$str(*,$calc($len(%z)-1)) $+ $right(%z,1),$iif($prop == m,$iif($len(%z) > 4,%o $+ $str(*,$calc($len(%z) - $len(%o))),$str(*,$len(%z)))))) inc %i } return %r }
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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alias reversewords { tokenize 32 $$1 var %a while ($0) { %a = $1 %a tokenize 32 $2- } return %a } Usage: $reversewords(<string>
Example: //echo -a $reversewords(this is a test)
This was a fun challenge, great idea, keep up the good posts.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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alias reverse { var %i = 1 while ($mid($1-,%i,1) != $null) { var %r = $+($v1,%r) inc %i } return %r }
//echo -a $reverse(.stsop doog eht pu peek aedi taerg egnellahc nuf a saw sihT)
Last edited by mIRCManiac; 29/04/05 02:14 PM.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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alias hint {
set %answer $2-
var %b = $regsub($2-,/([[:alnum:]])/g,_,%hint)
.timerHint 3 5 MakeHint $1
alias MakeHint {
set %hint $scatter($1,%hint)
echo -a Hint: %hint
alias scatter {
var %n = $int($calc($regex(%answer,/([[:alnum:]])/g)*($1 / 100))), %h = $2-, %k
if ($count(%h,_) <= %n) { return %answer }
while (%n) {
while ($mid(%h,%k,1) != _) { %k = $r(1,$len(%h)) }
%h = $+($left(%h,$calc(%k - 1)),$mid(%answer,%k,1),$right(%h,$calc(-1 * %k)))
dec %n
return %h
Original Scatter alias from tatarize altered to only scramble what's left after the hint before. usage: /hint <% visibele after each hint> <answer> example: /hint 25 this is a Hint-test will return: Hint: _h_s _s _ ____-____ Hint: th_s _s a __n_-____ Hint: th_s _s a H_n_-__st Timer is set to 3 hints every 5 seconds. The code: if ($count(%h,_) <= %n) { return %answer } will prevent an infinite loop if % is above 100; so choose the number of hints and percentage wisely One remark: The percentage can be one letter down each hint because of the usage of $int().
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias hint {
var %a, %b, %c = $replace($2, $, \$, \, \\), %i = 1
if ($prop == consenant) { %b = $regsub($1, /[^aeiou ]/ig, %c, %a) }
elseif ($prop == consenant2) { %b = $regsub($1, /[^aeiou]/ig, %c, %a) }
elseif ($prop == step) {
while (%i <= $len($1)) {
%a = $+(%a, $mid($1, %i, $3), $2)
inc %i $calc($3 + 1)
elseif ($prop == vowel) { %b = $regsub($1, /[aeiou]/ig, %c, %a) }
elseif ($prop == vowel2) { %b = $regsub($1, /[aeiou ]/ig, %c, %a) }
return %a
} $hint(<string>, <replacement character>).consenant$hint(testing this, *).consenantThis method will replace all consenants with the replacement character (* is this case) *e**i** **i* $hint(<string>, <replacement character>).consenant2$hint(testing this, *).consenant2This method will replace all consenants and spaces with the replacement character (* in this case) *e**i*****i* $hint(<string>, <replacement character>, <N>).step$hint(testing this, *, 2).stepThis method will replace every N + 1 character with the replacement character (* in this case) te*ti*g *hi* $hint(<string>, <replacement character>).vowel$hint(testing this, *).vowelThis method replaces all vowels with the replacement character. t*st*ng th*s $hint(<string>, <replacement character>).vowel2$hint(testing this, *).vowel2This method replaces all vowels and spaces with the replacement character. t*st*ng*th*s
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd just suggest spelling "consonant" correctly with that last one. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Lol! Sorry... I'm bad at pointing out grammar/spelling on anything being shared and used by others.  Feel free to hit me for it. 
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Heh. If you really want a challenge try doing plot hints.
**** ** *** ****. T*** ** *** ****. T*** i* *** ****. T*** i* t** ****. T*** i* t** h***. Th** i* t** h***. Th** is t** h***. Th** is th* h***. ... This is the hint.
Somebody had suggested I add it to my bot. It took like four hours to code up.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hah, saw this post merely by accident. That's an interesting kind of hint, though not as hard as you think (took me about half an hour) To run the first time: /plot <string> To get results: $plot Example: /plot this is a test $plot -> **** ** * **** $plot -> t*** ** * **** $plot -> t*** i* * **** $plot -> t*** i* a **** $plot -> t*** i* a t*** $plot -> th** i* a t*** $plot -> th** is a t*** $plot -> th** is a te** ... alias plot {
if $isid {
if %plot.pos == -1 { inc %plot.pos }
elseif * isin %plot.cur {
while !$regex(plot,%plot.cur,/(?=(?:\s|^)[^*]{ $+ %plot.pos $+ }(\*))/) { inc %plot.pos }
bset -t &raw 1 %plot.raw
bset -t &cur 1 %plot.cur
bcopy &cur $regml(plot,1).pos &raw $regml(plot,1).pos 1
set %plot.cur $bvar(&cur,1-).text
return %plot.cur
set %plot.raw $1-
set %plot.pos -1
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here's another one: It will randomly show 1 character that hadn't been shown before, until all characters are visible. ; Usage: ; To initiate the hint: /hint <char> <string> ; To return hints: $hint Example: /hint ? this is a test $hint -> ???? ?? ? ???t $hint -> ???? ?s ? ???t ... $hint will keep adding random letters, until they're all visible, then it just keeps giving the full answer. Only letters and digits are hidden, punctuation is always visible (this can be easily adjusted) alias hint {
if $isid {
if %hint.chr isin %hint.cur {
bset -t &raw 1 %hint.raw
bset -t &cur 1 %hint.cur
var %pos = $pos(%hint.cur,%hint.chr,$r(1,$count(%hint.cur,%hint.chr)))
bcopy &cur %pos &raw %pos 1
set %hint.cur $bvar(&cur,1-).text
return %hint.cur
set %hint.raw $2-
set %hint.chr $1
} -------------------------------------------------------------------- And here's a sentence scrambler (preserving spaces): ; Usage: $scramble(<string>) alias scramble {
var %a = $len($1), %b, %c, %d
while %a {
%b = $mid($1,%a,1)
if %b == $chr(32) { var %d = %c %d, %c }
else %c = $iif($r(0,1),%c $+ %b,%b $+ %c)
dec %a
return %c %d