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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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1. if ($timer(..)) do stuff But I'd like to see the istimer operator. if (test istimer) do stuff 2. I know this can easily be scripted, but I'd like to see a istimerwm for wildcard match. Instead of something like..
alias timers {
var %x = $timer(0), %timers
while (%x) {
if (* $+ $1 $+ * iswm $timer(%x)) var %timers = $addtok(%timers,$v2,44)
dec %x
echo -a %timers
if (*tes* istimerwm) { do stuff } -Andy
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Vogon poet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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If this is to be added, I can think of some others that should go along with it, like ishash, isfile, isquery or any number of other $identifiers that can be used to determine the existance of anything, along with wm versions of each. Just to complete the symmetry, there should also be $alnum, $alpha, $num, $letter, etc so that we can use them in place of isalnum, isalpha, isnum, isletter, etc. I think this would be very useful.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Out of curiosity, what is the difference for the istimer and $timer?
if ($timer(test)) { }
if (test istimer) { }
How would the second be useful? Am I missing something with it?
As far as the wildcard version, that could be nice.
Also, the question goes with the comment about isfile... what's wrong with using $isfile? The other ones are nice, tho.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, there is no difference really, I'd rather check to see if the timer is true through it's own operator rather than identifier. That's all, so I wouldn't bee too bothered if this wasn't added as we can already do that. But the wm one is a little more complex for 'newbies'. And would probably rather use one IF statement to check for wildcard matches.
if (*tes* istimerwm) { stuff to do }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I was actually being rather sarcastic, and thought that the extravagance of what I was suggesting might make that clear. I was wrong. Every single thing I suggested is already available in some other way. I don't see much point in asking Khaled to work to add abilities that are already there. I think that expanding $timer to include wildcard matches would be a nice feature (I believe that there is a feature suggestion thread about that somewhere around here), but cannot see adding an operator (istimer) to do what can already be done, just differently. Do not think that I was trying to be insulting; I just thought that a bit of hyperbole might make it clear that it is a waste of Khaled's time to include the suggested feature when there are many, many genuinely new features that can be added in its place. edit: oh, by the way, this is what I am currently using for a $wtimer(wildcard,N) in case anyone finds it useful: wtimer {
var %loop = 0, %temp
while (%loop < $timer(0)) {
inc %loop
if ($1 iswm $timer(%loop)) %temp = $addtok(%temp,$v2,32)
if ($2 == 0) return $numtok(%temp,32)
elseif ($2 isnum 1-) return $gettok(%temp,$2,32)
else {
echo -atc info wtimer: invalid parameters
} not sure why it wants to insert all the extra blank lines.
Last edited by Hrung; 28/04/05 04:37 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I like this idea, I also would like to see isqueryBut really what I would like to see is custom operators. Basically it would just check $result
alias istimer {
if ($timer($1-)) return $true
return $false
alias isquery {
if ($query($1-)) return $true
return $false
Using the above aliases do the following... //istimer TEST | echo -a $iif($result,YES,NO) could be same asif (TEST istimer) echo -a YES or if (TEST !istimer) echo -a NO //isquery $me | echo -a $iif($result,YES,NO) could be same asif ($me isquery) echo -a YES or id ($me !isquery) echo -a NO I would like to be able to use those aliases as operators It could also work for istimerwm & isquerywm
alias istimerwm {
var %i = 1
while ($timer(%i) != $null) {
var %t = $v1
if ($1- iswm %t) return $true
inc %i
return $false
alias isquerywm {
var %i = 1
while ($query(%i) != $null) {
var %t = $v1
if ($1- iswm %t) return $true
inc %i
return $false
//istimerwm *LA* | echo -a $iif($result,YES,NO) could be same asif (*LA* istimerwm) echo -a YES or if (*LA* !istimerwm) echo -a NO //isquerywm *LA* | echo -a $iif($result,YES,NO) could be same asif (*LA* isquerywm) echo -a YES or if (*LA* !isquerywm) echo -a NO This could be for any operator you want.. ischat isnetwork isfserv isserver iscomchan whatever you want.
Last edited by mIRCManiac; 28/04/05 08:37 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well I'm all for the custom operators. And the isquery too. After all, we have ischan, right?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Using your alias's you can always just do
//echo -a $iif($istimer(TEST),YES,NO) if ($istimer(TEST)) echo -a YES if (!$istimer(TEST)) echo -a NO
//echo -a $iif($isquery($me),YES,NO) if ($isquery($me)) echo -a YES if (!$isquery($me)) echo -a NO
//echo -a $iif($istimerwm(*LA*),YES,NO) if ($istimerwm(*LA*)) echo -a YES if (!$istimerwm(*LA*)) echo -a NO
//echo -a $iif($isquerywm(*LA*),YES,NO) if ($isquerywm(*LA*)) echo -a YES if (!$isquerywm(*LA*)) echo -a NO
ischat isnetwork isfserv isserver iscomchan whatever you want, can be made and used the same way
To throw my 2c in I dont really see that there is much difference in if it was (TEST istimerwm) or ($istimerwm(TEST)) the only diffenece being that an internal command would have some speed advantage over the other, but this would only become apparent in hugely thrashed commands, i just cant see any of the mentioned ones being so overly used that it would require an internal operator to increase performance. So to sume up my opion is, if the code you need to do the check is resonably small, just create an alias identifer, in fact build a libarary of them if u like to save time, and just have the script file loaded containing them, or add them to the script your writting if its designed to be handed out etc.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Agreed. isquery wouldn't be a bad idea though. If you're just browsing the help file and notice "ischan" you would likely assume that there is also an "isquery" operator.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd rather see ischan deprecated than the other way around. Regarding the wildmask matching of timers, it'd make much more sense to add an extra, N, parameter to $timer() and have it it treat wildcard characters appropriately if the second parameter is present (the same way as I described for $isalias()).
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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well this could all be avoided if custom comparisons could be made though techically they can aka
alias someCheck if (something == $1) return $true | return false if ($someCheck(something)) { do stuff }
id like to see however something like operator isLengthSame if ($len($v1) == $len($v2)) return $true | return $false if (String isLengthSame 123456) { do stuff }
hmmm signed by me
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Custom operators would cause major problems in mIRC scripting since operators have no syntactic way to show that they're operators (ie. they don't come at the start of a sentence like commands and they don't start with $ or % like identifiers and variables respectively). What happens to if (the cow said moo [color:blue]isin the cow said moooooooo) { ... }[/color] if someone creates an operator called the, cow, said, moo, or moooooooo?
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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ok make it like $v1 $istimer$ $v2 or something :-p
hmmm signed by me