on *:TEXT:hello world:#: {
[color:green];if you have had no hello's yet, make it 0, insted of $null[/color]
if ([color:blue]%hellos[/color] == [color:blue]$null[/color]) {
[color:red]set[/color] [color:blue]%hellos[/color] 0
[color:green];add 1 to the hello count[/color]
[color:red]set[/color] [color:blue]%hellos [color:blue]$calc(%hellos + 1)[/color]
[color:green];send some meaningless message to the nick[/color]
[color:red].notice[/color] [color:blue]$nick[/color][color:black] 1You are the12 [color:blue]%hellos[/color] [color:black]1person to say hello to the world.
[color:red].notice[/color] [color:blue]$nick[/color][color:black] 1Your hello's, along with can be viewed at [7 Http://xrn0id.yi.org:65533/world.html 1]
[color:green];the next step requires you to have a http server on your computer. So when you write to C:/www/world.html, you can access it by Http://xrn0id.yi.org:65533/world.html. You can do this without a webserver, but you would need to upload the updated .html file ever once-in-a-while[/color]
[color:green];write the *.html file[/color]
[color:red]write -l1 C:/web/world.html[/color] <CENTER><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="5">A total of: <B><FONT COLOR="BLUE"> $+ %hellos $+ </FONT></B> people have said hello. They are:<BR><FONT SIZE="1"><B>Brought to you by:<FONT COLOR="BLUE"> xrn0id </FONT></B><BR><A HREF="mailto:xrn0id@yahoo.com?subject=Hello World">xrn0id@yahoo.com</A></CENTER><P>
[color:red]write C:/web/world.html[/color] <B><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"><FONT COLOR="BLUE"> $+ $nick $+ </B></FONT> from<B> $server </B> wants to say hello to the world! </FONT><BR>