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Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 1
Mostly harmless
OP Offline
Mostly harmless
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 1
I am an Op in a channel, and I have a registered nick and I wanted to know if there was a way to not have to do the /msg nickserv identify (password) command every time i log in to the channel to which I am Op'ed? I get my Op automatically after I do that command each time.

I have my options so that I automatically reconnect upon disconnection and I do not want to go to guest after a minute if I am not at the computer if I am disconnected.

Does this make sense? Thanks for any help!!

Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230
alt-r/file/new add following lines...

on *:NOTICE:*This nickname is registered and protected*:?:{
if (($nick = Nickserv) && ($me == opnicknamehere) && ($network == opnetworknamehere)) { NS identify passwordhere }
if (($nick = Nickserv) && ($me == opnicknamehere) && ($network == opnetworknamehere)) { NS identify passwordhere }
if (($nick = Nickserv) && ($me == opnicknamehere) && ($network == opnetworknamehere)) { NS identify passwordhere }
if (($nick = Nickserv) && ($me == opnicknamehere) && ($network == opnetworknamehere)) { NS identify passwordhere }
if (($nick = Nickserv) && ($me == opnicknamehere) && ($network == opnetworknamehere)) { NS identify passwordhere }

Nick sending message must be NICKSERV
You set the "opnicknamehere" to your op nick
You set the "opnetworknamehere" to your network ( if u dont know it u should, if u dont know it, in mirc type in $network and press TAB key)
You set the "passwordhere" to ya password
I put five lines on so u can do it for 5 different ops u might have etc, but if u only got one just remove the other 4. If u got 7 add 2 more etc.

PS: I use the NS command to the server which everywhere I ever been is the same as /msg nickserv , this way in case some dodgy person has managed to pretend to be NickServ they wont get the message as its a ccommand direct to the server.

PSS: if the wording is different from nickserv "This nickname is registered and protected" then change it.

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