Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252 |
The following two snippets, which are part of a larger script, seem to be conflicting with each other. When the command, that should activate the first snippet is used, the second one gets started. on *:text:!*list &:*:{
set %file $iif((Truth isin $1) || (Dare isin $1),$+($v1,.txt))
if (!$2) {
if ($play(1)) { msg $nick The $right($1,-1) is on it's way. Please be patient as someone else may be viewing it }
else { .play $nick %file 2000 | .unset %file }
elseif $2 > $lines(%file) { .notice $nick Sorry, but $v1 number $2 doesn't exist }
else describe %td.chan $read(%file,$2)
on *:TEXT:!dare*:#:{
set %spinnick_choice d
if ($nick == %spin.last) {
set %darenick %spin.nick
set %dare $iif(($1 == !dare),$2-, $remove($$1-,!dare))
if $istok(%dare,%darenick,32) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,32) }
if $numtok(%dare,32) = 1 { set %dare $instok(%dare,15,1,32) }
tokenize 32 %dare
if ($1 isnum) { set %daretime $calc(60 * $1) }
elseif ($numtok($1,58)) { set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1)) }
describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime) for 12 %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
else if ($nick != %spin.nick) { describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle" }
Those are the two sections that I've identified problems with, but the entire script follows, in case someone can spot & help resolve a problem before it shows up. #td2 on
on *:text:truth*:#:{ if $nick == %spin.nick { set %spin.nick_choice T } }
on *:text:dare*:#:{ if $nick == %spin.nick { set %spin.nick_choice D } }
on *:text:*choice*:#:{ if $nick == %spin.nick { set %spin.nick_choice SC } }
on *:text:sc:#:{ set %spin.nick_choice SC }
on *:text:*who*turn*:#:{
if !%spin.nick_choice {
if $numtok(%play.list,44) > 1 { describe # 5 says %spin.nick needs to pick Truth, Dare, %spin.last $+ 's choice, or !choose }
elseif $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1 { describe # 5 says %play.list is the only player }
else describe # 5 says there are no players
elseif %spin.nick_choice == T {
describe # 5 reminds %spin.last that %spin.nick is waiting for a Truth query
describe # 5 or %spin.nick needs to answer %spin.last $+ 's Truth query
elseif %spin.nick_choice == D {
.notice %spin.last If you need to check %spin.nick $+ 's limits, type !showme %spin.nick
describe # 5 reminds %spin.last that %spin.nick is waiting for a Dare
describe # 5 or %spin.nick needs to complete %spin.last $+ 's dare
else describe # 5 It is %spin.nick $+ 's turn to spin
on *:TEXT:!autoplay:#:{
if !$read($mknickfn($nick),s,Limits:) {
describe # is sorry to say that the autoplay feature requires $nick to have their limits set
set %play_temp $addtok(%play_temp,$nick,44)
.msg $nick To set your limits, type !limit your limits here
.msg $nick Put your limits in place of your limits here
.msg $nick For example: !limit scat, animals, kids, golden showers
elseif $read($mknickfn($nick),s,autoplay) != on {
.write -sautoplay $mknickfn($nick) autoplay on
describe # is happy to announce that $nick has decided to be a permanent player
set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$nick,44)
describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
else {
write -sautoplay $mknickfn($nick) autoplay off
describe # sighs as $nick has decided to no longer be a permanent player
on 10:text:!cheat &:?:{
if (!$2) && (!%cheaters) { .notice $nick No one is cheating }
elseif $2 == %spin.nick { .notice $nick $2 cannot spin themselves }
elseif (!$istok(%play.list,$2,44)) { .notice $nick $2 is not playing }
else {
set %cheaters $addtok(%cheaters,$2,44)
.notice $nick $2 is scheduled to be spun
on 10:TEXT:!add *:#:{
var %play.add = $2-
var %a = 1
while %a <= $numtok(%play.add,32) {
if $istok(%watch,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),44) {
.timer 1 300 $remtok(%watch,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),1,44)
.notice $nick $gettok(%play.add,%a,32) is on a 5min play delay
else set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),44)
inc %a
describe # 5 Current Players Are %play.list
on 10:TEXT:!remove *:#:{
if ( $numtok($2-,32) => 1 ) {
var %x = 1
while ( %x <= $numtok($2-,32) ) {
set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$gettok($2-,%x,32),1,44)
set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$gettok($2-,%x,32),1,44)
inc %x
describe # 5 watches as $nick removes $2- from the playlist
if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players
else describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
if $istok($2-,%spin.last,32) { unset %spin.last }
if $istok($2-,%spin.nick,32) { unset %spin.nick }
on *:TEXT:!watch:#:{
; if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) { set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44) }
if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {
set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
set %watch $addtok(%watch,$nick,44)
describe # 5 sighs as $nick decides to stop playing
if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players
else describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
if ($nick == %spin.last) unset %spin.last
if ($nick == %spin.nick) unset %spin.nick
else describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , "you are not playing"
on *:PART:#:{
; if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) { set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44) }
if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {
set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players
else describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
if ($nick == %spin.last) unset %spin.last
if ($nick == %spin.nick) unset %spin.nick
on *:QUIT:{
; if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) { set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44) }
if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) { set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44) }
if ($nick == %spin.last) unset %spin.last
if ($nick == %spin.nick) unset %spin.nick
on *:KICK:#:{
; if (%play.time. $+ $knick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($knick) playtime %play.time. $+ $knick }
if $istok(%cheaters,$knick,44) { set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$knick,1,44) }
if $istok(%watch,$knick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$knick,1,44) }
if $istok(%play.list,$knick,44) {
set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$knick,1,44)
if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players
else describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
if ($knick == %spin.last) unset %spin.last
if ($knick == %spin.nick) unset %spin.nick
on *:NICK:{
if (%play.time. $+ $nick) {
set -u $+ $duration(%play.time. $+ $nick) %play.time. $+ $newnick
if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) { set %play.list $reptok(%play.list,$nick,$newnick,1,44) }
if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $reptok(%watch,$nick,$newnick,44) }
var %away.1 = afk,brb,bbl,ing,bbiab,away
while (%away.1) && ($istok(%play.list,$newnick,44)) {
var %away.2 $gettok(%away.1,1,44)
if ($left($newnick,$len(%away.2)) == %away.2) || ($right($newnick,$len(%away.2)) == %away.2) {
set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$newnick,1,44)
if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) { set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44) }
if ($nick == %spin.last) || ($nick == %spin.nick) { unset $v2 }
set %away.1 $remtok(%away.1,%away.2,1,44)
if $read($mknickfn($newnick),s,autoplay) == on {
set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$newnick,44)
describe %td.chan smiles as $newnick plays under the autoplay option
describe %td.chan 5Current Players are: %play.list
else {
if $istok(%play.list,$newnick,44) {
if ($nick == %spin.last) { set %spin.last $newnick }
if ($nick == %spin.nick) { set %spin.nick $newnick }
if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) { set %cheaters $reptok(%cheaters,$nick,$newnick,1,44) }
on *:text:!play:#:{
if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) { describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , "you are already playing" }
elseif !$read($mknickfn($nick),w,Limit*) {
set %play_temp $addtok(%play_temp,$nick,44)
describe # is sorry to say that $nick can't play until they set their limits
.msg $nick To set your limits, type !limits your limits here
.msg $nick Put your limits in place of your limits here
.msg $nick For example: !limit scat, animals, kids, golden showers
else {
; set -u $+ $read($mknickfn($nick),s,playtime) %play.time. $+ $nick
set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$nick,44)
if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
describe # 5 smiles as $nick decides to play
describe # 5 Current Players Are %play.list
on *:text:!play*list:*:{
if (%play.list) {
.msg $nick 5 Current Players: %play.list
if (%spin.last) .msg $nick 5 The last person to spin was: %spin.last
if (%spin.nick) .msg $nick 5 The last person to be chosen was: %spin.nick
else .msg $nick 5 There is no game currently going
on *:text:!players:*:{
if (%play.list) {
.msg $nick 5 Current Players: %play.list
if (%spin.last) .msg $nick 5 The last person to spin was: %spin.last
if (%spin.nick) .msg $nick 5 The last person to be chosen was: %spin.nick
else .msg $nick 5 There is no game currently going
on *:text:!playtime &:#:{
if (!$2) && (!%play.time. $+ $nick) {
.msg $nick Format for the !playtime command is !playtime <time>
.msg $nick <time> is to be set in HH:MM:SS format
elseif (!$2) .msg $nick Time remaining is $duration(%play.time. $+ $nick)
else { set -u $+ $duration($2) %play.time. $+ %spinnick }
on 10:TEXT:!spinfor*:*:{
if (%spin.nick_choice == t) {
.write -sTruth: $mknickfn($2) Truth: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Truth:))
.write -l1 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,1))
elseif (%spinick_choice == d) {
.write -sDare: $mknickfn($2) Dare: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Dare:))
.write -l2 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,2))
else {
.write -s"Spinner's Choice:" $mknickfn($2) Spinner's Choice: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Spinner's Choice:))
.write -l3 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,3))
unset %spin.nick_choice
set %cheat $gettok(%cheaters,1,44)
set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,%cheat,1,44)
if !%cheat {
if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1 { describe # It appears that %play.list is the only player }
elseif ($numtok(%play.list,44) == 2) {
set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44)
set %spin.last $$2
describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $$2 wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, # $+ 's choice with !choose?"
.timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, !choose?
else {
set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44)
set %spin.last $$2
.write $+(lastspin_,$ctime($date)) %spin.last
.timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
.timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
.timer 1 5 describe # 4 %spin.nick $+ 5, Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
.timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
else {
set %spin.nick %cheat
unset %cheat
set %spin.last $$2
if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $$2 wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, # $+ 's choice with !choose?"
.timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, !choose?
elseif $numtok(%play.list,44) > 2 {
.timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
.timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
.timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick $+ , Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
.timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
else {
.timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
.timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
.timer 1 5 describe # 4 %spin.nick $+ 5, Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
.timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
on *:TEXT:!spin:#:{
if (!$istok(%play.list,$nick,44)) {
describe # Sorry $nick $+ , but I don't see your name in the players list
.msg $nick type !play if you wish to play
if ($nick != %spin.nick) && $istok(%play.list,%spin.nick,44) {
describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , Sorry..but it's not your turn to spin
if (t isin %spin.nick_choice) {
.write -sTruth: $mknickfn($nick) Truth: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Truth:))
.write -l1 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,1))
elseif (d isin %spin.nick_choice) {
.write -sDare: $mknickfn($nick) Dare: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Dare:))
.write -l2 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,2))
else {
.write -s"Spinner's Choice:" $mknickfn($nick) Spinner's Choice: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Spinner's Choice:))
.write -l3 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,3))
unset %spin.nick_choice
set %cheat $gettok(%cheaters,1,44)
set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,%cheat,1,44)
if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1 { .describe # 5apologizes to $nick $+ . It appears you are the only player. }
else {
if (!%cheat) {
if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
set %spin.last $nick
set %spin.nick $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $nick wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or $me $+ 's choice with !choose?"
.timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
else {
if (!%spin.nick) { set %spin.nick $nick }
while %spin.nick == $nick { set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44) }
set %spin.last $nick
.timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle...
.timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
.timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick $+ , Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's choice, or !choose
.timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
set %spin.nick %cheat
set %spin.last $nick
describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $nick wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or $me $+ 's choice with !choose?"
.timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
else {
set %spin.nick %cheat
set %spin.last $nick
.timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle...
.timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
.timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick $+ , Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
.timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
on $10:text:/!c[dt] /i:?:{
var %a = $mid($1,2) $+ .txt,%b = $remove(cd.txtct.txt,%a), $&
%c = $iif(%a = ct.txt,truthed,dared),%n = .notice $nick $2
if (!$2) && ($1 == !ct) { .play $nick ct.txt 2000 }
elseif (!$2) && ($1 == !cd) { .play $nick cd.txt 2000 }
else {
if ($read(%a,w,$2)) {
write -dl $readn %a
%n is no longer being %c
if ($read(%b,w,$2)) {
write -dl $readn %b
%n is no longer being $remove(trutheddared,%c)
write %a $2
%n has been %c
on *:TEXT:!choose:#:{
if $read(cd.txt,w,$nick) { set %choice B }
elseif $read(ct.txt,w,$nick) { set %choice A }
else { set %choice $rand(A,B) }
if (%choice == A) {
set %choice Truth
set %spin.nick_choice T
write -sTruth choose.txt Truth $calc(1 + $read(choose.txt,s,Truth))
write choose.txt Truth $fulldate %spin.nick
else {
set %choice Dare
set %spin.nick_choice D
write -sDare choose.txt Dare $calc(1 + $read(choose.txt,s,Dare))
write choose.txt Dare $fulldate %spin.nick
describe # 5 randomly picks %choice for4 %spin.nick
//echo # Truth $read(choose.txt,s,Truth), Dare $read(choose.txt,s,Dare)
on *:text:!& &:#:{
if ($left($1,2) == !s) {
if ($2 == Truth) || ($2 == Dare) {
if ($($+(%,$2,line),2) == $($+(%old,$2),2)) set $+(%,$2,line) $rand(1,$lines($+($2,.txt)))
describe $chan suggests $read($+($2,.txt),$($+(%,$2,line),2))
set %old $2
set % $+ $2 $+ line $rand(1,$lines($2 $+ .txt))
on *:text:!*list &:*:{
set %file $iif((Truth isin $1) || (Dare isin $1),$+($v1,.txt))
if (!$2) {
if ($play(1)) { msg $nick The $right($1,-1) is on it's way. Please be patient as someone else may be viewing it }
else { .play $nick %file 2000 | .unset %file }
elseif $2 > $lines(%file) { .notice $nick Sorry, but $v1 number $2 doesn't exist }
else describe %td.chan $read(%file,$2)
on *:text:!darelist &:*:{
if $2 == $null .play $nick dare.txt
else describe %td.chan $read(dare.txt,$2)
on *:text:!truthlist &:*:{
if $2 == $null .play $nick truth.txt
else describe %td.chan $read(truth.txt,$2)
on *:TEXT:!timer*:*:{
if (!$2) && !$timer(0) {
.msg $nick There are no timers active
elseif ($2 isnum) && ($2 <= $timer(0)) {
if $+($timer,$chr(40),$2,$chr(41)) == checkconnect { halt }
else {
.timer $+ $2 off
describe $chan anounces that Timer $+($chr(35),$2) has been stopped by $nick
else {
var %timer_count = 1
while %timer_count <= $timer(0) {
if $timer(%timer_count) isnum { .msg $nick Timer $chr(35) %timer_count $duration($timer(%timer_count).secs) remaining }
inc %timer_count 1
on 10:TEXT:!truthfor & *:#:{
set %spinnick_choice t
set %truthnick $2
describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%truthtime) for 12 %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $3- "
.splay -p (C:\My Shared Folder\MP3\Jeopardy Think Music.mp3)
timer 1 300 describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $3- "
on *:TEXT:!truth *:#:{
set %spinnick_choice t
if ($nick == %spin.last) {
set %truthnick %spin.nick
describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick sets the egg timer to 4 5mins for 12 %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $2- "
.splay -p (C:\My Shared Folder\MP3\Jeopardy Think Music.mp3)
timer 1 300 describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $2- "
else if ($nick != %spin.nick) { describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle" }
on 10:TEXT:!darefor*:#:{
if (!$2) && $len($1) = 8 {
.msg $nick Use !darefor <time> <nick> <dare>
.msg $nick <time> can be in minutes or HH:MM:SS format
else {
set %spinnick_choice d
set %darenick $2
set %dare $iif(($1 == !darefor), $2-, $remove($$1-,!darefor))
if istok(%dare,%darenick,44) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,44) }
tokenize 32 %dare
if ($1 isnum) { set %daretime $calc(60 * $1) }
elseif ($numtok($1,58)) { set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1)) }
else set %daretime 900
describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime) for 12 %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
on *:TEXT:!dare*:#:{
set %spinnick_choice d
if ($nick == %spin.last) {
set %darenick %spin.nick
set %dare $iif(($1 == !dare),$2-, $remove($$1-,!dare))
if $istok(%dare,%darenick,32) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,32) }
if $numtok(%dare,32) = 1 { set %dare $instok(%dare,15,1,32) }
tokenize 32 %dare
if ($1 isnum) { set %daretime $calc(60 * $1) }
elseif ($numtok($1,58)) { set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1)) }
describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime) for 12 %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- "
else if ($nick != %spin.nick) { describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle" }
#td2 end
I know that there's some duplication in the script, but that's due to a quick fix on the current problem
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230 |
* Just off the mark i can see problems in your script already, u have events that look like they well cacth other events text or possable texts etc.
on your specific problem... Show us the actual text that someone might type for the first event, that is triggering the second event?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252 |
When someone issues the command the timer under !dare starts up at 15mins for the dare "list"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230 |
on *:text:!*list &:*:{ this matches !<anything here>list<space><something here> on *:TEXT:!dare*:#:{ this matches !dare<anything here>
!darelist only matches the 2nd event, the first event needs a word following it. try replacing with on *:text:!*list*:*:{
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252 |
Thanks...didn't realize that the & meant that there had to be something in that location. The help file says that the & is to be used in place of a single word, but it doesn't say that the word has to be supplied.
You also mentioned that a quick look at my overall script made you think there might/will be other problems. If you wouldn't mind going through, identifying those problems and coming up with resolutions, it would be appreciated...rather than me trying to find solutions as they come up, and maybe coming here again & again.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If its going its going, however the following 3 text events i would move below all others, as someone might match them while issueing a command ment for the others.
on *:text:*choice*:#:{ on *:text:*who*turn*:#:{ on *:text:!& &:#:{
I would have thought on *:text:!& &:#:{ may have already been trapping others but im not fully sure on that.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Appreciate your suggestions, and while the !& & wasn't catching stuff it wasn't supposed to, it did end up giving me difficulties elsewhere, which I have resolved. The other two that you mentioned are placed at the beginning because I need them to be caught first, otherwise I found that they weren't working properly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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no worries, i just saw problems with something like...
!dare fred 10 to make a choice between blah and blah blah Trips >>> on *:text:*choice*:#:{
!dare fred 10 find who turned off the lights Trips >>> on *:text:*who*turn*:#:{
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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While, technically, those are possibilities, in running the bot in the Truth or Dare room for almost a year now, I can't say that I can recall a situation like that ever coming up.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/me searchs aimlessly for the room in irc space so i can complain when my dare doesnt work
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No need to search aimlessy. We're on irc.bondage.com and the room is #A-BDSM-Truth-or-Dare-Dungeon
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You shouldn't spam servers/channels.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Didn't realize that posting the address of the server & room name where I run the bot would be considered spamming it. If so, I apologize.
Tried to edit the earlier posting, which you're claiming is spamming the server/room, but was told that the maximum edit time had expired.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If it were spam, I'd have edited it by now P.S. I think SladeKraven was being facetious. Regards,
Last edited by Mentality; 15/03/05 11:15 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for the update, Mentality. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's acceptable and what's not, so I usually try to use what I've seen in other postings as a basis.