; Drone bot kicker
IF (($cps.rval($1,N5,1) == 1) && ($istok(%controlchan,$1,44) == $true)) {
; I haven't seen a person having the word guest in his/her nick and be a drone bot
IF (guest isin $2) { return }
IF (~ !isin $address($2,5)) { return }
IF ($istok(%drone.exp,$2,44) == $true) {
; If the length of nick is more that 15 nicks delte the oldest one
IF ($numtok(%drone.exp,44) >= 15) { SET %drone.exp $deltok(%drone.exp,1,44) }
; Check if joining nick is in exception list
IF ($istok(%drone.exp,$2,44) == $true) { return }
; A done nick is generally greater that 4 letters
IF ($len($2) >= 5) {
; Some common words that not in drone bot
IF ((*xtr* iswm $2) || (*cks* iswm $2) || (*ri* iswm $2) || (*sp* iswm $2) || (*sh* iswm $2) || (*blac* iswm $2) || (*trri* iswm $2) || (*shr* iswm $2) || (*rld* iswm $2) || (*nts* iswm $2) || (*pl* iswm $2) || (*chd* iswm $2) || (*psy* iswm $2) || (*hyd* iswm $2) || (*hts* iswm $2) || (*mr* iswm $2) || (*ngs* iswm $2)) { return }
IF ((*www* iswm $2) || (*away* iswm $2) || (*str* iswm $2) || (*[a]* iswm $2) || (*abc* iswm $2) || (*guy* iswm $2) || (*gal* iswm $1) || (*boy* iswm $2) || (*blr* iswm $2) || (*ly* iswm $2) || (*ngh* iswm $2) || (*cklen* iswm $2)) { return }
;my eleet drone bot check routine =P~
var %dr = $mid($2,2,$calc($len($2) - 2))
IF ((a isin %dr) || (e isin %dr) || (i isin %dr) || (o isin %dr) || (u isin %dr)) { return }
IF ($2 ison $1) {
while ($numtok(%droned,44) >= 15) { set %droned $deltok(%droned,1,44) }
set %droned $addtok(%droned,$2,44)
thrash $1 $2 drone
This is that One i use to use ! its works sometime its deosnt work sometime ! plus its show show to slow !