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#111996 20/02/05 02:55 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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HadS Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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Hi there,
It would be nice to add a switch to /hmake:

/hmake -s[color:red]uM <name> <N> [/color]
Creates a new hash table with N slots.

A hash table can store an unlimited number of items regardless of the N you choose, however the bigger N is, the faster it will work, depending on the number of items stored.

eg. if you expect that you'll be storing 1000 items in the table, a table of N set to 100 is quite sufficient.

The -s switch makes the command display the result.

If you specify the -uM switch, the hash table is free after M seconds. If you specify a zero for M, the hash table is free when the script finishes.

#111997 20/02/05 02:59 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Nice, I like this idea.

#111998 20/02/05 04:30 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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very good idea!

#111999 20/02/05 05:04 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
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great idea smile

~ Edit ~
I would also like to see -m switch work with /hload
I know /hmake is only one extra step, but it would
still be nice since I usually forget you have to /hmake
first and then I have to go back and correct it.

Last edited by mIRCManiac; 20/02/05 05:29 PM.
#112000 04/03/05 09:27 PM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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alias hmakeu hmake $2- | $+(.timerHf,$2) 1 $1 hfree $2

[email]Spion@Undernet[/email], @#mirc
#112001 05/03/05 02:02 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
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HadS Offline OP
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Ameglian cow
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alias hmakeu hmake $2- | $+(.timerHf,$2) 1 $1 hfree $2
"If you specify a zero for M, the hash table is free when the script finishes." -> Doesn't work with your code.
And "/timer* off" will prevents hfree.

#112002 05/03/05 07:04 PM
Joined: Feb 2003
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 9
When I tested it, it does work with my code. And how many times do you type /timer* off or /timers off ? smile
I agree with the idea, tho; but I never used the -u options in most of the commands.

[email]Spion@Undernet[/email], @#mirc

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