Well, almost.
In any case, I found something interesting(well somewhat)
//echo #chan online time: $duration($online) | //echo #chan mIRC uptime: $uptime(mirc,1)
Yields this output:
online time: 2days 18hrs 39mins 58secs
mIRC uptime: 2days 18hrs 38mins 22secs
How is it possible I have been connected longer than mIRC has been running ?
//echo #chan normal uptime: $uptime(mirc,1) | //echo #chan duration uptime: $duration($uptime(mirc))
Above should(unless I am mis-reading) provide identical output.
normal uptime: 2days 18hrs 46mins 49secs
duration uptime: 397wks 3days 12hrs 19mins 1sec
In any case, $uptime is not the solution to my original question.