You can't actually detect the enter key being pressed, but you can make it so a button is clicked when you press enter.
For example, let's say you're writing a chat client and you have a "Send" button to send a message, you could make pressing enter in the editbox do the same as pressing Send.
Is that what you want?
Edit, here's an example:
dialog EE {
title "Enter Example"
size -1 -1 158 24
option dbu
button "Test", 1, 121 12 37 12, ok
edit "", 2, 0 0 158 10, result
on *:dialog:EE:sclick:1:{
.echo -q $input(You clicked "Test" or pressed Enter!,oid,Click!)
Because the editbox (id 2) has the "result" property specified, the ok button (id 1) is clicked when you press enter, when the button is clicked you must add a /halt otherwise the dialog will close.