Every time it says the same as the one which is being kicked.
on ^*:kick:#: {
echo $chan $form.kick($nick, $address, $chan, $1-)
alias form.devoice return 3[ $time(H:nn) ] 0,3Kick0,03 $nick ( $+ $2 $+ ) was kicked by $4-
alias form.devoice is not being used alias form.kick is.
Also form.devoice and/or form.kick should not refrence $nick, but should use, if passed in the same manner $1 as this is the $nick, you may at a latter date decided to enhance you display by say going $form.kick(**** $nick ****, $address, $chan, $1-), if you continue to use $nick and not $1 then u loose the alterations you may choose to add to the nick. Also form.devoice and/or form.kick become harder to debug/test as you can not run them from the command line passing simulated information to them, as $nick well have no value.