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#110648 09/02/05 05:39 AM
Joined: Jan 2005
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Ho0tz04 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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if ($numeric == 353) { echo $2 9[ $+ 11 $+ $timestamp $+ 9] 9[ $+ $whoz $+ 9] }

whoz {
%whoz = $replace($1-,.,9.11,@,9@11,+,9+11)
.return %whoz

As u can see i'm trying to "spice" up the /who on join, but yet for some reason it's not working. Any suggestions ?


#110649 09/02/05 06:13 AM
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Posts: 81
Well as I can see your /whoz alias expects a parameter which in your raw event if statement you're calling $whoz without any parameters so therefore it's expecting a parameter when one's not sent, which results in returning nothing.

#110650 09/02/05 06:29 AM
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Ho0tz04 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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ok then could you point me in the right direction please smile

#110651 09/02/05 06:32 AM
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Posts: 81
What exactly are you trying to "spice up"? Which portion of data received from the /who command?

#110652 09/02/05 06:40 AM
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Ho0tz04 Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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the nick names, when join a channel, the /who command is performed, and I want it to echo in that channel

#110653 09/02/05 06:55 AM
Joined: Dec 2004
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Posts: 81
RAW 352:*:{
; ^ raw event for /who
if ($2 ischan) {
; ^ ensure $2 (the channel from the /who reply) is actually a channel you're on
  echo $2 9[ $+ 11 $+ $timestamp $+ 9] 9[ $+ $whoz($+($remove($7,H,$chr(37)),11,$6,)) $whoz($+(11,$3,,@,$4)) $+ 9]
; ^ echo the output to $2 which is a channel name
; ^ if $2 is a channel we're on, halt the reply for the /who command in the status window

Hopefully this gives you some insight on things, if not, just ask smile

The way it looks like you're capturing RAW events is using a single RAW event (eg; RAW *:*:{) if this is the case then you would do something like this:
RAW *:*:{
; ^ global raw event (handling all events?)
if ($numeric isnum 352) {
; ^ ensure the raw event is /who reply and is in numerical form (not need, could just use ==)
if ($2 ischan) {
; ^ ensure $2 (the channel from the /who reply) is actually a channel you're on
  echo $2 9[ $+ 11 $+ $timestamp $+ 9] 9[ $+ $whoz($+($remove($7,H,$chr(37)),11,$6,)) $whoz($+(11,$3,,@,$4)) $+ 9]
; ^ echo the output to $2 which is a channel name
; ^ if $2 is a channel you're on and the numeric is 352, halt the reply for the /who command in the status window

Last edited by nycdiesel; 09/02/05 07:03 AM.
#110654 09/02/05 01:40 PM
Joined: Jan 2005
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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This is what i use, aligns the nicknames in a bitchx style, it's what i've used for years when themeing.

Raw 366:*:{ 
  set %sync $readini data.ini joinsync $2 
  joinsync $2  

alias  joinsync  {
  if ($me !ison $1) { halt }
  set %i 0
  set %nicks ""
  set %num 5
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ €€€€€ $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23)
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ stats $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09: 10pre14[09~10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,~)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09&10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,&)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09.10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,.)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09@10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,@)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09%10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,%)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09r10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,r)) $+ 14]
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ stats $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09: 10pre14[09+10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,+)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09!10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,!)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09*10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,*)) $+ 14] 10pre14[09^10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,^)) $+ 14] 10total14[10 $xnickpre($nick($1,0,a)) $+ 14]
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ €€€€€ $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23)
  ;echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ stats $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09: 14[09~10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,~) $+ 14] 14[09&10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,&) $+ 14] 14[09.10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,.) $+ 14] 14[09@10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,@) $+ 14] 14[09%10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,%) $+ 14] 14[09+10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,+) $+ 14] 14[09*10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,*) $+ 14] 14[09^10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,^) $+ 14] 14[09T10!01 $+ $nick($1,0,a) $+ 14]
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),7) $+  $+ $str($chr(160),15) $+ 10­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­­­—­­­­­
  inc %i
  if (%i > $nick($1,0,a)) {
    if (%nicks != $null) {
      if ($numtok(%nicks,32) >= 1) { set %nicks %nicks | echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ names $+ $str($chr(160),20) 01| %nicks | goto end }
    goto end
  set %nicks %nicks  14[ $+ $xnick4($nick($1,%i),$1) $+ 14]
  if (%i == %num) {
    echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),2) $+ names $+ $str($chr(160),20) 01|  %nicks
    set %num $calc(%num + 5)
    set %nicks ""
    goto loop
  goto loop
  echo $1 00,15 $+ $str($chr(160),7) $+  $str($chr(160),13) 01­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­—­­­­­
  echo $1 11,15 $+ $str($chr(160),3) $+ sync $+  $+ $str($chr(160),23) 09:10 $1 was synched in09  $calc(($ticks - %sync) / 1000) secs10!! | remini data.ini joinsync $1

alias xnick4 {
  var %a $iif($2,$2,$chan),%b $iif($1 !isreg %a,$left($nick(%a,$1).pnick,1)) $+ $1
  return $str(€,$calc(13 - $len(%b))) $+ $iif($1 !isreg %a,$+(09,$left(%b,1),10,$mid(%b,2,12)),$+(10,$mid(%b,1,13)))

 on ^1:join:#:{
  if ($nick = $me) {
    set %sync $readini data.ini joinsync #
    if (%sync == $null) { writeini data.ini joinsync # $ticks }

it's not the /who event that looks for it, that updates the ial, you're after /names
good luck.

ps: you might need to change some stuff, i use a font that doesn't come with windows

Last edited by ztnaraM; 09/02/05 01:43 PM.

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