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#110512 07/02/05 06:28 PM
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Hi, this morning i alive in one IRC.. this called INFORCHAT, one server of "IRC" for spanish users.. in this case i "discussed" with one person and my name start to change continuosly, my new nick and my last nick says phrases for me and I no write it.., open new channels without my permission, and finally I disconnected of this "IRC"..

Well, it is bug of mIRC, of this "IRC" network, or of one IRC operator?..

This "IRC" network is for "only web chat", and uses one addon if you need enter for IRC. Now add the code for it addon and my new question is if the bug is caused for this addon or if is caused for bug in mIRC etc..(and sorry my english I no a native speaker and write it "in the fly"):

n0=menu menubar,status,channel,nicklist,query,@* {
n1= -
n2= $iif($server,< $gettok($server,1,46) >,red.ya.com)
n3= .Ultimo:$iif(%Infor.Chat,InforOn,echo 4 -s * No hay ultimo)
n4= .-
n5= .InforChat
n6= ..Conectar:InforOn /cv4in/ aci.atpc
n7= ..Conectar2:InforOn /cv4in/ aci.atpc
n8= ..-
n9= ..Listar canales:InforList chat.infor.ya.com
n10= .HispaChat
n11= ..Conectar:InforOn hispachat.ya.com /cv4his/ achi.atpc
n12= ..Listar canales:InforList hispachat.ya.com
n13= .Clasicos
n14= ..Conectar:InforOn clasicos.ya.com /cv4ya/ acy.atpc
n15= ..Listar canales:InforList clasicos.ya.com
n16= .Chueca
n17= ..Conectar:InforOn chat.chueca.com /cv4ch/ acch.atpc
n18= ..Listar canales:InforList chat.chueca.com
n19= .SexoChat
n20= ..Conectar:InforOn chat.sexochat.ya.com /cv4sc/ acsc.atpc
n21= ..Listar canales:InforList chat.sexochat.ya.com
n22= .Paises...
n23= ..Italiano
n24= ...Conectar:InforOn it.chat.ya.com /cv4it/ acit.atpc
n25= ...Listar canales:InforList it.chat.ya.com
n26= ..Frances
n27= ...Conectar:InforOn inforchat.club-internet.fr /cv4ci/ acci.atpc
n28= ...Listar canales:InforList inforchat.club-internet.fr
n29= ..Aleman
n30= ...Conectar:InforOn chat.spanien.com /cv4de/ act.atpc
n31= ...Listar canales:InforList chat.spanien.com
n32= ..Portuges
n33= ...Conectar:InforOn inforchat.terravista.pt /cv4pt/ acp.atpc
n34= ...Listar canales:InforList inforchat.terravista.pt
n35= .-
n36= .Setup
n37= ..Proxy< %Infor.Proxy >:set %Infor.Proxy $?="Proxy (IP:PORT)"
n38= ..ver lista de proxys...:ProxyList
n39= ..-
n40= ..Nick password< %Infor.NickPass >:set %Infor.NickPass $?="¿ Password del nick ?"
n41= ..En/DeCode mensajes< $iif(%Infor.Decode,Si,No) >:set %Infor.Decode $$?!="¿ codificar/descodificar los mensajes ?"
n42= ..Reconectar automatico< $iif(%Infor.ReLoad,Si,No) >:set %Infor.ReLoad $?!="¿ reconectar en desconeccion ?"
n43= ..-
n44= ..Actualizar script desde internet:InforUpDate
n45= .-
n46= .Desconectar:if ($?!="¿ Desconectar de InforChat?") InforOff
n47= -
n50=alias InforOff { sockclose SockHttp0 | sockclose SockHttp1 | sockclose SockServer | unset %Infor.tmp.* %Infor.run.* }
n51=alias InforOn {
n52= InforOff | if ($file($script).size != 16968) echo 4 -s *** Fichero modificado < $+ $file($script).size $+ >
n53= if ($1) set %Infor.Chat $1- | set %Infor.tmp.Config config.html
n54= echo 2 -s *** Buscando Configuracion de Inforchat.... 14( $+ $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) $+ )
n55= sockclose SockHttp0 | sockopen SockHttp0 $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) 80
n58=on *:sockopen:SockHttp0:{
n59= if ($sockerr) halt | var %a = $gettok(%Infor.Chat,2,32) $+ %Infor.tmp.Config | unset %Infor.tmp.Config
n60= echo 3 -s * File: http:// $+ $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) $+ %a
n61= sockwrite -tn SockHttp0 GET %a HTTP/1.0
n62= sockwrite -tn SockHttp0 Accept: */*
n63= sockwrite -tn SockHttp0 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
n64= sockwrite -tn SockHttp0 Host: $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32)
n65= sockwrite -tn SockHttp0 $crlf
n67=on *:sockread:SockHttp0:{
n68= if ($sockerr) halt | sockread -fn %tmp
n69= var %a = $remove($gettok(%tmp,1,61),$chr(9),$chr(32))
n70= var %b = $gettok($gettok(%tmp,2,61),1,32)
n71= if ($left(%a,7) == include) {
n72= var %b = clases/ $+ %b
n73= :loop | var %p = $findtok(%b,..,1,47) | if (%p) { dec %p | var %b = $deltok(%b,%p,47) | var %b = $deltok(%b,%p,47) | goto loop }
n74= set %Infor.tmp. $+ %a %b
n75= }
n76= elseif (%a == gb) set %Infor.run.gb %b
n77= elseif (%a == gc) set %Infor.run.gc %b
n78= elseif (%a == gd) set %Infor.run.gd %b
n79= elseif (%a == ge) set %Infor.run.ge $calc(%b + 1)
n80= elseif (%a == gf) set %Infor.run.gf %b
n81= elseif (%a == gh) set %Infor.run.gh %b
n82= elseif (%a == host) set %Infor.run.host %b
n83= elseif (%a == ports) set %Infor.run.port %b
n84= unset %tmp
n86=on *:sockclose:SockHttp0:{
n87= :loop
n88= set %Infor.tmp.Config %Infor.tmp.Include1
n89= set %Infor.tmp.Include1 %Infor.tmp.Include2
n90= set %Infor.tmp.Include2 %Infor.tmp.Include3
n91= set %Infor.tmp.Include3 %Infor.tmp.Include4
n92= set %Infor.tmp.Include4 %Infor.tmp.Include5
n93= set %Infor.tmp.Include5 %Infor.tmp.Include6
n94= set %Infor.tmp.Include6 %Infor.tmp.Include7
n95= set %Infor.tmp.Include7 %Infor.tmp.Include8
n96= set %Infor.tmp.Include8 %Infor.tmp.Include9
n97= unset %Infor.tmp.Include9
n98= if ($pos(%Infor.tmp.Config,advert/)) goto loop
n99= if (%Infor.tmp.Config) { sockclose SockHttp0 | .timer -o 1 1 sockopen SockHttp0 $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) 80 }
n100= elseif (%Infor.run.gb > 2) { sockclose SockHttp1 | sockopen SockHttp1 $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) 80 }
n101= else InforGo
n104=on *:sockopen:SockHttp1:{
n105= if ($sockerr) halt | unset %Infor.tmp.*
n106= var %a = $gettok(%Infor.Chat,2,32) $+ $gettok(%Infor.Chat,3,32)
n107= var %m = urlprincipal=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inforchat.com&nick= $+ $me $+ &canal=%23amigos&version=1
n108= echo 3 -s * File: http:// $+ $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32) $+ %a
n109= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 POST %a HTTP/1.0
n110= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 Accept: */*
n111= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
n112= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
n113= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 Host: $gettok(%Infor.Chat,1,32)
n114= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 Content-Length: $len(%m)
n115= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 $crlf
n116= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 %m
n117= sockwrite -tn SockHttp1 $crlf
n119=on *:sockread:SockHttp1:{
n120= if ($sockerr) halt | sockread -fn %tmp
n121= while (%tmp) {
n122= if (%Infor.tmp.Comen) { var %f = $pos(%tmp,-->)
n123= if (%f) { var %f = -3 - %f | set %tmp $right(%tmp,%f) | unset %Infor.tmp.Comen }
n124= else unset %tmp
n125= }
n126= else { var %i = $pos(%tmp,<!--)
n127= if (%i) { dec %i | var %f = $pos(%tmp,-->)
n128= if (%f) { var %f = -3 - %f | set %tmp $left(%tmp,%i) $right(%tmp,%f) }
n129= else { set %tmp $left(%tmp,%i) | set %Infor.tmp.Comen $true | break }
n130= }
n131= else break
n132= }
n133= }
n134= while (%tmp) {
n135= if (%Infor.tmp.Java) { var %f = $pos(%tmp,</SCRIPT)
n136= if (%f) { var %f = -9 - %f | set %tmp $right(%tmp,%f) | unset %Infor.tmp.Java }
n137= else unset %tmp
n138= }
n139= else { var %i = $pos(%tmp,<SCRIPT)
n140= if (%i) { dec %i | var %f = $pos(%tmp,</SCRIPT)
n141= if (%f) { var %f = -9 - %f | set %tmp $left(%tmp,%i) $right(%tmp,%f) }
n142= else { set %tmp $left(%tmp,%i) | set %Infor.tmp.Java $true | break }
n143= }
n144= else break
n145= }
n146= }
n147= if ((%tmp) && ($left(%tmp,1) != $chr(9))) {

P.D. In this morning session i used server two..



#110513 07/02/05 06:35 PM
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Remember for you wath in the moments of "bug" I no possible change of nick and finally i disconnected of this "IRC" without my permission..

#110514 07/02/05 07:26 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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your script is incomplete
n144= else break
n145= }
n146= }
n147= if ((%tmp) && ($left(%tmp,1) != $chr(9))) {

^^ that ends in the middle of a command

Also Are you actually using an IRC channel OR are u using mirc to access some web chat ?

#110515 07/02/05 08:49 PM
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I using only mIRC with only only this script. Version of mIRC 6.16.

INFORCHAT denies uses for "IRC"(and it does not admit that this it exists..), and force the people to use webchat(popups, ads etc), when the webchat is one real "IRC".. The people created this script for enter via IRC with mIRC(this network is protected with key changed in 30 seconds, this addon takes the key and enter via IRC in various ports, not in 6667 if i remember..).

P.D.: This late it returned to me to happen the same and the same person is the responsable... Most peculiar is than making the other day a search by google law a commentary of a person who said to him that they could do to him just like they are doing my to me, and this comment in the same network..


#110516 08/02/05 12:29 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If this is the case, then it is NOT a mirc bug.

The script that lets you chat has a security vunerablility.

Or the webchat itself does.

Last edited by DaveC; 08/02/05 12:30 AM.
#110517 08/02/05 11:54 AM
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"Is this is the case"

Wath is the case man?? The script??, the script only is used for enter in it IRC, now localize the line of bug in script or determine if the bug is in mIRC man... i not know the source real of the bug and with your answer either.

Bad bug, IRC network, ircop, script(real answer please), mIRC, sockets, tcp open ports???? WATH??????.

And the case is webchat man???, webchat is one real IRC and i enter with mIRC 6.16, and i lose control of mIRC man with one fuking bug!!!.

#110518 08/02/05 03:55 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Your wants can not be answered YOU have failed to supply the COMPLETE script.

Occams Razor : The simplest solution is more likely to be correct.

#110519 08/02/05 04:53 PM
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Ok, I fail in send script. Now not:


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