Try something like:
/timedjoin <N> <#chan1,#chan2 key,#chan3,...>alias timedjoin {
if $1 !isnum 0- { echo -ac info /timedjoin: Must specify interval in millisecs. }
elseif #?* !iswm $2- { echo -ac info /timedjoin: Must specify channels to join. }
else {
var %a = $1, %b = 0
tokenize 44 $2-
scon -r .timer -m 1 % $+ b join $* $(| inc %b %a,)
/timedjoin 1650 #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 chankey,#chan4
Now a channel will be joined every 1650 milliseconds, in other words ever 1.65 seconds.
Specify 0 if you want to join the channels without interval.