ethorn01; iswm would have be a better alternative, although isin will 'do'.
zshadow; the best place to start would be
google there are endless websites out there, some of which can be reached via,
As for your suggested scripts;
I connect to network a, set a certain mode, then mirc connects to the channels I want .. I can do this using the perform function, but if the /mode command failed it'd still join the channels.. if the mode command fails I do not want to join the channels
This is pretty simple, remove all your commands from the Perform that relate to the above.., and use the following code:
on *:connect:{; trigger on connect.
if ($network == [color:red]networkname) {[/color]
; if the network is called 'networkname' then run the following (You can find the network name by
//echo network: $network).
var %mode = [color:red]modegoeshere[/color]
Change 'modegoeshere' to the mode your trying to set on connect (i.e.
mode $me $+(+,%mode); sets the mode to your nickname
.timerchkmode 0 3 chk.mode %mode; runs a timer every 3 seconds trying to tell if the mode has been set or not.
alias chk.mode {
if ($1 isin $usermode) { join [color:red]#yourchannel | .timerchkmode off }
[/color]; alias to check if the mode is set, if so join channel
when anyone in a channel sets mode -o on my nick I automatically /msg chanserv op #channel .. but I would like to set this for one network only, not all
This would be done as follows:
On *:DEOP:[color:red]#channel:{
[/color];ON DEOP on '#Channel', use just # for all channels.
if (($opnick == $me) && ($nick ison $chan)) {
; if the nick deopped was me, and the person who deopped me is on the channel (stops you trying to reop if chanserv/IRCop from outside the channel deop you)
msg chanserv op $chan
; send this command to chanserv
}You might want to add a variable that counts the number of times you have tried (and unsuccessfully reop'd) to avoid a flood.