I have a gline script that works on a timer basis for dns host names and bans the ip address of user and IP at ISP. Now what I want to add is a right click menu when I select the user and gline user. But it has to do what the main script does in find users real hostname and IP due to IP masking?
Can any body help me do this please.
Below is the script.
alias findpipe { var %s = $scid(0) var %pipe.scid = 0 while (%s > 0) { if ($scid(%s).network = PipeIRC) { %pipe.scid = %s %s = 0 } dec %s } return %pipe.scid }
alias placegline { var %x = 4 while (%x > 0) { %ip. [ $+ [ %x ] ] = $gettok(%gomo.lastknownip,%x,46) dec %x } var %hostname = %ip.1 $+ - $+ %ip.2 $+ - $+ %ip.3 $+ - $+ %ip.4 $+ .dyn.iinet.net.au scid $findpipe gline *@ $+ %hostname 186400 :spanked by mumma }
on *:connect: { if ($network == PipeIRC) { timerCheck4Gomo 0 900 dns name timerCheck4Gomo2 0 900 dns name timerCheck4Gomo3 0 900 dns name } }
on *:DNS: { var %i = $dns(0) if (%i == 0) { echo -a 4No Hostname Found } while (%i > 0) { if ($dns(%i).addr == name) || ($dns(%i).addr == name) || ($dns(%i).addr == name) { set %gomo.lastknownip $dns(%i).ip if ($findpipe != 0) { scid $findpipe gline *@ $+ $dns(%i).ip 186400 :spanked by mumma placegline } } dec %i } } menu nicklist { G-Line User: gline $1- $+ *@* 999 . }
Now what I need it to do is do above find users real host and IP and gline it with a time when I right click and select gline?
well I can add hosts to this script and on a timer it dns the user and glines the users. But what I also want is to be able to right click the user, dns his for the correct details and ad a gline for [email]user@host[/email] time :reason and [email]user@ip[/email] time :reason. via right click menu.
Im having trouble with it , sorry, but as for the [email]user@mask[/email] and [email]user@ip[/email] , I can only get that with whois , and not with dns.... this might be out of my league , that or im really tired....
Well he wants the ban the isp i beleive and in most cases when you choose the nick it only bans their exact host all depending on the ircd some you can use usehost or userip catch that and use that