Dear fellow mIRC scripters and users,
I'd like everyone who's working with dccserver as a firewall/router workaround in their script to consider this following protocol suggestion.
The next versions of popular SysReset and UPP filetrading scripts for mIRC will implement it.
Although filesharing isn't really a popular subject on these boards and is not appreciated, the demand for such feature can be seen in the sheer number of threads regarding dccserver / "alternative serving method" / "firewall workaround" threads.
However, it's also easily understandable that a new idea can only become a success if many scripts and scripters implement it, therefore setting a certain kind of standard. That's why I'm posting here. I also invite everyone to check the provided sample implementation for any security flaws (other than those implied by design).
Three other interesting threads that have insight to this topic are:
the last post contains an alternative suggestion / script for this problem, however, scripted dcc sends don't rank too high for me.
It is really a pity that mIRC doesn't support a VisualIRC-compatible protocol even without Socks5 firewall.
Our protocol suggestion makes use of the builtin dccserver feature of mIRC.

Sample script:
