I wrote this alias
alias check.edit.number {
  var %k = $did($1,$2)
  if (%k !isnum) {
    var %t,%i = $len(%k),%j = 1
    while (%j <= %i) {
      var %n = $mid(%k,%j,1)
      if (%n isnum) { %t = %t $+ %n }
      inc %j
    did -ra $1 $2 %t
    make.dialog invalid
alias make.dialog { if (!$dialog($1)) { dialog -m $1 $1 } }

This alias checks if the input of the editbox $2 in dialog $1 is number.If not it deletes the input from the editbox.

What i want to do is to make a dialog with a big X in it to inform me about the wrong input (I did this) and close it when i move the mouse anywhere (Not only in the invalid window)

How can i do this confused

Last edited by DrStein; 21/11/04 04:00 PM.

while (1) { fork(); }