Curious about this, This code I stumbled apon over a year ago and have customized and re done it totaly but i cant reproduce one fact multiple words in a custom window examples:
Original Code and supports 2 words:
 Alias CKilWin {
  if ( $active != @Kill Messages ) {
    /window -keg1 @Kill Messages
  if ($1) { /echo -ti2 @Kill Messages $1- }

on ^*:SNOTICE:*** Notice -- Received KILL message for *:{
  if ( $gettok($10,0,46) > 2 ) { /var %oper = $gettok($10,1,46) $+ .* }
  else { /var %oper = $10 }
  if ( $right($8,1) == . ) { /var %killed = $left($8,$calc($len($8) - 1)) }
  else { /var %killed = $8 }
  /.CKilWin 7((15K7)) %oper killed %killed $13-

Now Im trying to add a section Server Bans This is what I have
Raw Sting btw
:*** G:Line added for *@* on Sat Nov 20 04:02:47 2004 GMT (from Armada! to expire at Sun Nov 21 04:02:47 2004 GMT: bah)
Alias CServBan {
  if ( $active != @Server Ban ) {
    /window -keg1 @Server Ban
  if ($1) { /echo -ti2 @Server Ban $1- }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*** G*Line added for*on*from*:{
  /.CServBan 7((15G7)) $3-

Now with the kill code it shows nicely in Kill Messages with ((Fri 09:33:08 pm)) ((K)) AlphaStatic killed SNRadio!SNR@SuprBot.SuprNovaRadio.Org (rehash) But for the Server Ban one
It shows up in Server
((Fri 10:00:55 pm)) Ban ((G)) added for *@* on Sat Nov 20 04:04:40 2004 GMT (from AlphaStatic! to expire at Sun Nov 21 04:04:40 2004 GMT: bah)
and Ban shows up in the echo


Also noticed, I tried this by hand just with the window command
/window -keg1 @Kill Messages
opend a window Kill Messages
/window -keg1 @Serv Ban
Opened a window called Serv wtf

Last edited by Armada; 20/11/04 05:59 AM.