[color:orange]on *:text:!Search*:#channel: {
if ($2) {[/color]
[color:blue];if theres a game set a variable
;with space as a + for later in the script[/color]
[color:orange]set %game = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)[/color]
[color:blue];open socket with the site[/color]
[color:orange]sockopen 123spill 123spill.no 80[/color]
[color:blue];syntax = sockopen name site port[/color]
on *:sockopen:123spill: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/cgi-bin/finn.cgi?s=,%game,&x=0&y=0) HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname $+(123spill.no,$crlf,$crlf)[/color]
[color:blue];get to the page with the info we want[/color]
on *:sockread:123spill: {[/color]
[color:blue];when we get the info....[/color]
[color:orange]if ($sockerr) {[/color]
[color:blue];if theres an error stop[/color]
else {[/color]
[color:blue];if all is good read line by line into a variable[/color]
[color:orange]var %i
sockread %i
if (<table width="472" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="ramme"><tr class="svart"><td><table width="100%" class="boks" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"><tr><td class="marg" rowspan="1">&nbsp;</td><td class="senter"><h3><a href=" isin %i) {[/color]
[color:blue];Match html to var the results[/color]
[color:orange]var %link = $gettok(%i,30,34)[/color]
[color:blue];get the link using charecters between ""
;use a different method of storing the info for multiple
;results. play around till u get what u want[/color]
[color:orange]msg #channel Found: %link