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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Another script question. How would I go about auto answering someone..for instance... Jim? or Jim either one...AN I would auto reply and say the screen name of the person who typed my name. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:*:*: {
if ((Jim isin $1-) || (Jim $+ $chr(63) isin $1-)) { echo $nick said $v1 }
} Remember, $v1 (and $v2 also) will return what $ifmatch used to ($ifmatch still works but this seems to be the new method mirc will use) And for those who say this way's better: on *:text:*:*: {
if ((Jim isin $1-) || ($+(Jim,$chr(63)) isin $1-)) { echo $nick said $v1 }
} And then I SUPPOSE you could use regex if you knew it which I dont.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Thanks, I will try this. Elseif is just a command right? For instance, if I was writing a script to shorten..be right back, I would use elseif with a command of brb, and it would spell out be right back, correct?..Once again Thanks
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well, it would depend on how it was coded but yes, you most certainly can use elseif for something like that
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You could use something like: alias myacros {
if ($1 == brb) { return be right back }
elseif ($1 == lol) { return laughing out loud }
elseif ($1 == moca) { return my other cool acronym }
} //echo -a $myacros(brb)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I was thinking of something like this......
elseif ( $1- == brb ) { msg $active 9Be 11Right 9Back.. | halt }
Would this be correct? Thanks again
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Alright..I put that in my remotes...and it isn't working...This is exactly what I have ...
on *:text:*:*: { if ((Jim isin $1-) || (Jim $+ $chr(63) isin $1-)) { echo $nick said $v1 }}
Did I do something wrong? I put this in remotes
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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* /if: close bracket not found -
Im getting this message
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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echo $nick said $v1 [color:red]}}[/color]
should be
echo $nick said $v1 [color:red]} }[/color]
Notice the spaces between the close brackets.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Ok, I done that and it fixed the message I was recieving in "status" window. Now it alerts me in status window that someone said my name but it doesnt respond back with that persons screen name? Any idea where we went wrong? Once again Thanks
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't see why it wouldn't return the nickname that said the text, that is what $nick is in an on text event. If you want it to echo in the active window, use echo -a $nick said $v1.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Ok, now when said name types my name its showing in main window, but still not replying back with said screen name. I appreciate your guys help, I'm just going to give up now. Thanks though
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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i think most misread your request: i think the correct way should be: on *:text:*:#: { if ( (Jim isin $1- ) || (Jim $+ $chr(63) isin $1- ) ) { /msg $chan yes $nick $+ ? } } on *:text:*:?: { if ( (Jim isin $1- ) || (Jim $+ $chr(63) isin $1- ) ) { /msg $nick yes $nick $+ ? } }
in this way you'll react on who-ever calls your name (in channel (#) or in private (?))
when nothing else matters but irc
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Wouldn't it be more accurate if you used $Wildtok instead of "isin"? On *:TEXT:*:#: {
If ($Wildtok($1-,Jim*,1,32)) { msg $Chan Yes $Nick $+ ? }
On *:TEXT:*:?: {
If ($Wildtok($1-,Jim*,1,32)) { msg $Nick Yes $Nick $+ ? }
} Just a thought. O_o
- Relinsquish
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on $*:TEXT:/jim\??/Si:*: msg $iif($target ischan,#,$nick) Yes $Nick $+ ?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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*Learns Regex Strings* :P
- Relinsquish
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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regex sure is handy for a text based program like mIRC.
Come to think of it, a better regex would have been: /\bjim\b/Si
\b matches a word boundary[/b], S means strip text, and i means case insensitive.