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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Well, this isn't mIRC related, but it will affect a lot of people who IRC anyways. And plus this is General Discussion. http://www.irc-junkie.orgDALnet calls their decision an internal decision. Kind of interesting cause when I read an article from the link above, I think DALnet could be leaving out some of the truth. This may or may NOT be related to the DoS attacks going on for months.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you honestly believe the dribble posted on sites like that, I feel sorry for you.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well, if yo dont belive Doomstars post, then believe it straight from the horses mouth: Dalnet's News Section Dalnet has changed thier AUP, starting March 1, there will be no channels allowed that activly trade files, legal or illegal.
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keek·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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So? That doesn't mean they did it because of the DDoS attacks. This is their change from Quanity to Quality.
Even if the attacks inspired them to block fserving channels, who cares? Only they know their reasons.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I am so very sorry, i thought codemastr was refering to dalnet's decision to block filehsaring as dribble, not the ddos thingy. as it clearly states on that page i gave: Q. Is some group/organization forcing you to do this? A. No. This is completely an internal decision. DALnet values its resources and the donated time, bandwidth, and equipment that it receives. DALnet wishes to ensure that those resources are used for their original purposes, to sustain a network where people can chat with other people. This is an effort to reduce the wasting of those resources on other activities. i freely admit that i need to read slower :tongue: edit I do care that trading stops on dalnet, as i frequently send files (not nessecarily music) to my friends in the channel i chat in, and they send files to me, mostly text files containing the LYRICS to songs. now although these are not music files/software/movies/whatnot according to Dalnets AUP all those text files i send will not go through. what about the popups/scripting channels that regularly distribute scripts/popups to other people? Say BYE BYE to that too, because the primary purpose of those channels is to distribute files, not warez/mp3/whatnot, but scripts and popups. BYE BYE popups 
Last edited by Krejt; 08/02/03 12:01 PM.
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keek·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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That's an interesting move. I'm not against it, I'm just curious about the consequences. So, DALnet is the first network to impose censorship on IRC channels. DMCA has you  I expect their next step will be logging private and channel conversations with the noble intention to fight script kiddies and international terrorists. After that, it seems reasonable to ban channels that aren't politically correct. FemoServ will track and report male chauvinists and GayServ will protect sexual minorities. Just kidding, of course. Let's live and see.
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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So, DALnet is the first network to impose censorship on IRC channels. First network of the "Big 5" maybe? I've already seen smaller networks, where such channels were not allowed. And i don't think it's 'censorship'. As they stated, DALnet is for chatting, not trading files. And I agree with them :tongue:
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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as i frequently send files (not nessecarily music) to my friends in the channel i chat in, and they send files to me I think you don't have to worry, as long as your channel primary purpose is not trading files. what about the popups/scripting channels that regularly distribute scripts/popups to other people? That's what the web sites are for, right?
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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A channel is a group of people. Deciding whether they've gathered with an "acceptable" or "inacceptable" purpose is sort of censorship, too. Or call it a policy. [in an apokalyptic voice] "...Swearings will be filtered out right on the servers. BlackServ will K-line for jokes about Afroamerica. Your cybersex logs will be sent directly to your parents and your psychologist. Welcome to BigBrotherNet, the safest IRC network ever..."
Sincerely, Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I think you don't have to worry, as long as your channel primary purpose is not trading files. But that is what we do most of the time, trade text files. That's what the web sites are for, right?
So by your reasoning, we shouldnt have no more help channels either, as most help channels have websites right? Hell might as well kill IRC all together if we go by your post. There are websites with java chat clients that dont use IRC, so no more need for IRC right?
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keek·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't really disagree with the choice to not allow File Sharing on the network. Maybe DALnet is hoping to accomplish a network that isn't 1/3 "Bots" and people trading legal or illegal. Sure they are going to lose alot of users to this. But the decision probably was an internal one.
All we can really do is wait and see what the outcome of this is. Where would these "outcasts" (and i use that term loosely) go? Simple another network that will allow them to distribute their files. But if this is about not being able to send "song lyrics" or whatnot to a friend...well there are "other" means to share files such as using your msn, yahoo, and or ICQ, AOL, messengers for example.
Is it related to the attacks on DALnet? Who knows, maybe it is to cut down on the possiblility of another attack, The Network administrator probably has their reasons for why...who knows i'm just naming posibilities. I think the decision was a wise one none the least, probably to cut down on traffic on the network all together...what i would have done was see what rooms had only "1 user" in them and close them...not alot of them are being used...anyways this is my opinion, but what do i know...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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DALnet has clearly said that the change in AUP is intended towards "Using a channel for the primary purpose of facilitating the transfer of files" "is not about the occasional transfer of a file between people who otherwise are using DALnet to chat. This is about setting up channels as a means to facilitate the transfer of files." and that they "respect the right of our users to transfer files between themselves on a limited basis" They have NOT said they are blocking all files between users. As for your example of scripting channels, if the purpose of the channel is to help ppl with scripting i dont see how they would be effected. If a channel exists solely for the purpose of advertising/sending ppl their script, perhaps it would. If you have questions, direct them to the proper source, DALnet. You can also sign up on the DALnet main email list for general discussion and questions where this was announced and has been under discussion: here Altho I would suggest reading their notice thoroughly so you understand exactly what they have already said. Personally, i applaud DALnet and hope that all channels will continue the spirit of the change by not allowing ppl to sit idle in their channels solely to spam their fservs.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm not against Dalnet's new stance either, but that is because I chat on a network that has always forbidden wares channels. It's a good thing. Yes, Dalnet will suffer a loss in 'market share' if I may use the term, but that's okay.
In short, I hope this trend gets a good following and IRC will go back to being the way it should be.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I see little wrong with the new policy. First off, this is more than likely the very cause of the script kiddies' issues. The problem is that the kiddies attack a channel they don't like. They're usually on the network for warez anyway. By eliminating the warez channels on the network, this means that the script kiddies are less likely to pose a threat to the network because there's nobody they can threaten.
Put it this way, you're not going to find these kiddies in #gods_little_helpers. They're going to want to takeover and attack major warez channels.
This is what I believe the idea is aimed to stop. However, ya have to wonder if the kiddies won't 'punish' dalnet when they close down their channels...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That doesn't necessarily mean they aren't gonna still attack anyother channel....Honestly removing the warez channels is making them turn to different targets...You aren't gonna eliminate these "kiddies" all together...they are gonna exist on IRC...think about it...If they wanted to they could choose different rooms for their "takeovers" which is childish by the way. So either way you look at it there will always be attacks on random networks no matter what you try to do....DALnet is simply cutting down "traffic"....but thats my opinion so what do i know.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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However, ya have to wonder if the kiddies won't 'punish' dalnet when they close down their channels...
They might yet, but then again it would be better for them if they just shifted to a slacker network. In any case I doubt they'd be able to hammer Dalnet as much as the other people have. That was done by people that definitely know what they are doing and are probably being paid well to do it and not get caught in the process.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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I'm not going to bother reading so many posts. It would take too long, especially when I often misread words and skip over words, meaning I double check it by reading it twice basically.
irc-junkie.org has something about DoS attacked being caught. Kind of coincidental after that MPAA thing happened with many networks, don't you think? But then again, it's probably just a coincidence. Just like it's a coincidence that the three NASA tragedies happened within one week or so of each other in the calendar year.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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However, ya have to wonder if the kiddies won't 'punish' dalnet when they close down their channels... Actually that's the thing that surprised me most about the whole change - for the most part the channels are just accepting the changes and moving networks. It's almost as if the people who run the various filesharing channels are reasonable people, I know it may sound a bit of a stretch but I can't think of a better explanation. Anyone?
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ummm.. smart to move before the channel gets closed anyway and while they have the chance to tell ppl where they are moving to?
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet