First of all, the identifier's property is precede by a dot (.), so
$did(asdf,500)seltext should actually be
Second, when you wish to perform more than 1 command, you can either separate them with a pipe ( | ) or put them different lines. Eg:
if (1234 isnum) { command1 | command2 | command3 }
if (abcd !isnum) {
}So, in your case, you should have this:
{ /window -e @test [color:red]| /echo @test $did(asdf,500)
.seltext }[/color]
You want to echo the $did().seltext part, isnt it? So you should replace <text here> with the $did identifier. And yes, it is possible to add colors to echo's and aline's.
In the
echo command:
/echo <color number> @test <text>In the
aline command:
/aline <color number> @test <text>For the bold and underline effect you must insert them in the text manually (Ctrl + B & Cltr + U). They don't work like the color, which you can in the command itself.
I hope this can help you