You seem intent on painting anyone that wants this changed as a zealot.

- Well it confounds me that there are people who would sacrifice compatability and therefore the ability for clean and clear chat between all IRCers for the sake of seeing an ASCII picture of a rose in the perfect shade of vermillion instead of just red. Isn't forsaking the main function of IRC for their own niche use an act of zeal?

If compatability really is an issue to you, why do you insist mIRC lock itself into a future-incompatible scheme? One that, if extended, suffers the same inherent flaw as the old system? But hey, more is better, right?

- Assuming it were put up to 99 colours (0-98) using the double digit format, why would a future extension be necessary? I'm pretty sure humans aren't going to evolve so that they can see infra-red of ultraviolet within the lifetime of IRC, so if 99 colours created a reasonable level of colour accuracy why would that ever need to be extended further? I can understand to some degree that 16 colours might be frustrating for some since some fairly simple colours are not available, however I cannot see how 99 colours is not enough.

This forum gets thousands of visitors a day. One thread every three months or so hardly constitutes an overwhelming demand.

Compared to what?

- I'm saying that if we guess that 50,000 unique users visit this site and one thread gets made about extending colours in that time period in which perhaps 2 people come out in favour of the idea, that's 0.004% of the users of this site who really feel strongly that more colours should be added. Even if it's 1000x as many people it would still be the vast minority.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.