I have a script that does drawing in a picwin and optionally it draws lines to fill the gaps when the user moves the mouse so fast that it would leave gaps if I just drew points (dots) where the mouse coordinates are. The problem is that /drawdot and /drawline are inconsistant with how they draw when the size is greater than 1. Here is an example, using widths of 10, 5, 2 and 1.

alias testdraw {
  window -p @test
  drawdot @test 1 10 20 20 | drawline @test 1 10 34 20 60 20
  drawdot @test 1 5 20 40 | drawline @test 1 5 26 40 60 40
  drawdot @test 1 2 20 60 | drawline @test 1 2 23 60 60 60
  drawdot @test 1 1 20 80 | drawline @test 1 1 23 80 60 80

Running this code, you can see that the larger the draw size, the larger the dots are in comparison with the lines. Also, the center of the lines is not the same as the center of the dots. Ideally, the size and positioning of the lines and the dots would be consistant, so that given a certain coordinates and width, the lines and the dots would be indistinguishable where one ends and the other begins. Any chance to see it fixed in the next version? Thanks.