Cool thanks that worked although i tried doing the same thing for this but for some reason it was hiding the rest of the options

.Secure Query
..$iif(%secure.query == on,$style(1)) On: {.enable #secure.query }
..$iif(%secure.query == off,$style(1)) Off: { .disable #secure.query }
..$iif(%secure.query.hop = 1,$style(1),) Half Ops:secure.query.switch hop | echo -a 0,2 Secure Query - Half Ops 12,8 « $iif(%secure.query.hop = 0,Blocked,Allowed) » 
..$iif(%secure.query.op = 1,$style(1),) Ops:secure.query.switch op | echo -a 0,2 Secure Query - Ops 12,8 « $iif(%secure.query.op = 0,Blocked,Allowed) » 
..$iif(%secure.query.voice = 1,$style(1),) Voices:secure.query.switch voice | echo -a 0,2 Secure Query - Voice 12,8 « $iif(%secure.query.voice = 0,Blocked,Allowed) »