hi, i put the code
alias sendchat { socklisten testchat1 $$2 | .raw privmsg $1 $+(:,$chr(1),DCC CHAT CHAT $longip($ip) $2,$chr(1)) }on *:socklisten:testchat1:sockaccept testchat2 | sockwrite -n testchat2 success! | sockclose testchat*  
under the aliases. then i try //sendchat $me 1024 & //sendchat $me 1025 & //sendchat $me 1026. It didnt worked. At least i did receive the DCC chat dialog prompt. But refused to connect. Then i tried again, this error appear "* /sockwrite: 'testchat2' no such socket (line 14, aliases.ini)" & "/socklisten: 'testchat1' socket in use (line 13, aliases.ini)"