well i havent quite finished it eyt but currently i use

;on ^*:pong:{  
if ($2 isnum) {    
  set %lagcheck2 $calc($ticks - $2) 
  echo -a 00,04 SERVER lag is $round($calc(%lagcheck2 / 1000),2) seconds.
;on ^*:PING:{ 
if ( $server isin $1- ) {
inc %lagcheck
if ( %lagcheck <= 4 ) { goto end } 
elseif ( %lagcheck == 5 ) {
  /.raw PING $ticks
  set %lagcheck 1

i check the lag on every 5th ping? pong! event you could do it each time but i figured it wasnt necessary to update it that often from . now i just need to dock it somewhere .lol