This is the code:

on *:TEXT:!Peak:#: {
if ($2 == $null) {
/msg $chan %col1 $+ The Peak for: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $chan $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) is: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $chan ] ] ],1,32) $+ %col2 Users $+ 4 $+ $chr(93) set on: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $chan ] ] ],2,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) at: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $chan ] ] ],3,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) GMT: $+ $chr(91) $+ 12 $+ $gmt(z) $+ 4 $+ $chr(93) 4That was: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $chan ] ] ],4,32))) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) ago. Set by: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $chan ] ] ],5,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93)
if ($2 != $null) {
/msg $chan %col1 $+ The Peak for: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $2 $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) is: $+ $chr(91) $+%col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $2 ] ] ],1,32) $+ %col2 Users $+ 4 $+ $chr(93) set on: $+ $chr(93) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $2 ] ] ],2,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) at: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $2 ] ] ],3,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) GMT: $+ $chr(91) $+ 12 $+ $gmt(z) $+ 4 $+ $chr(93) That was: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $2 ] ] ],4,32))) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93) ago. Set by: $+ $chr(91) $+ %col2 $+ $gettok([ % $+ [ max_user $+ [ $2 ] ] ],5,32) $+ %col1 $+ $chr(93)

it works fine when some types "!PEAK" but e.g. the peak of the channel is 100. and when the 101 person enters the channel i want it to show they are the 101 person that entered the channel. So they don't have to type "!PEAK".

Last edited by DbzDP; 19/11/03 12:40 AM.