ok i have this and i have it dock and every thing now what i need it to do right is change the color of the background of the dialog but it apears its not working right for me -_- any idea
on *:dialog:atmamenu:init:*: {
dll $mdx(mdx.dll) MarkDialog $dname
dll $mdx(mdx.dll) SetMircVersion $version
dll $mdx(mdx.dll) SetBorderStyle 12,13,14,16,17,18 clientedge
dll $mdx(mdx.dll) SetControlMDX $dname 1 ProgressBar smooth > $mdxe(ctl_gen.mdx)
dll $mdx(mdx.dll) SetColor atmamenu 2 background $rgb(1,1,1)
dll $rbar(rebar.dll) Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > top
alias rbar { return $+(",$mircdirdll\rebar\,$1,") }
alias mdx { return $+(",$mircdirdll\mdx\,$1,") }
alias mdxe { return $+(,$mircdirdll\mdx\,$1,) }

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