I paid for mIRC I paid for trillian, why? because they are two programs that i love to use and the creators of said programming have asked for compensation for all the work that they have put into the program. Do I find this offensive? I don't think so, I think it is perfectly fair. I am quite sure that Khaled has spent by far thousands of hours working on the IRC client that thousands of us love and use daily and hours a day if your like me :tongue:, Why not give something back to him? Its only $20.00 and its for a lifetime you never have to pay it again! I think its a wonderful deal, not every software company is so willing to hand out free upgrades for as long as it is upgraded. Trillian for example I think I paid 25 dollars and that registration is good for 1 year. I can always use Trillian pro that I have currently or if it is upgraded before the year is up i can get the upgrade but after that year I can only use what i have at the time unless I wish to pay another 25 dollars for another year. Ah well thats just my 2 cents worth, Cheers ^^