Yes ... sorry about that lol
It looks to me like he is setting %ialupdate.#blah
to $ctime, and then in the raw 315, he's using $ticks

Try this in command line
//set %ialupdate.#blah $ticks | who #blah

That worked for me .. if so for you too .. find where
he is setting that variable and change it to $ticks

Edit: Also changed a couple of lines in
that raw to show seconds or milliseconds.

raw 315:*: {
  if (%ialupdate. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) {
    set -u240 %ialupdate. [ $2 ] $true
    var %t = $round($calc(($ticks - $ifmatch) / 1000),2) [color:red]$iif($calc($ticks - $ifmatch) < 1000,milliseconds.,seconds.)[/color]
    kte.echo -s Adresses from $2 saved in [color:red]%t[/color] $+($ialchan(*,$2,0),/,$ial(*,0)) entries.
  unset %m %scan

Last edited by EVH; 24/10/03 03:06 PM.