
Just a simple request for an overlooked feature.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add in a feature that would list all running hash tables and their state/properties.


/hlist -w <name to match> <size to match>

The simple explanation:

/hlist works just like /hmake. It lists all hash tables in use (when used as just /hlist, or, it will list all tables matching a certain name/text or size).

The output would be something similar to:

/hlist -w hash_conf 100
*Showing hash tables matching: hash_conf - size: 100

hash_configuration - 100
hash_confused - 100
hash_conf_oplist - 100

*End of matching hash tables

This would be useful for displaying a list of all hash tables that are currently open (useful for debugging, or freeing tables).
I know one could use if $hget(name) to find out if a table exists or not, but it isn't exactly suited for mass searching/listing.

One could then add this extension to the /hfree command, which would list all the tables it will delete (kind of like what it does now).

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