Compare the result of this code in 6.03 and 6.12 and you'll see what I mean.

dialog test {
  title "This is a test"
  size -1 -1 100 100
  option dbu

  tab "Tab 1", 1, 2 0 296 225
  tab "Tab 2", 2

  button "OK", 681, 130 227 40 12, Cancel

  box " A box here ",100, 4 16 92 68, tab 1
  check "click if you want", 101, 20 30 65 10, tab 1

  box "Another box", 102, 4 21 92 34, tab 2
  edit "", 103, 5 30 50 10, tab 2 center autohs
  check "check here", 104, 5 43 50 9, tab 2
  check "is this unchecked?", 105, 40 43 55 9, tab 2

On *:dialog:test:*:*:{
  if ( $devent == init ) {
   ; did -h $dname 2

Try both with and without the comment.

Tank @