how about using something like this:
dialog test {
  title "Test"
  size -1 -1 138 86
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 0 79 86, size hsbar vsbar 
  edit "", 2, 79 0 58 10, autohs
on *:dialog:test:init:0:{
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= 50) {
    did -a $dname 1 $str(%i,10)
    inc %i
  did -z $dname 1
on *:dialog:test:close:0:{
  unset %did.number
on *:dialog:test:sclick:1:{
  set %did.number $did(1).sel
on *:dialog:test:edit:2:{
  did -o $dname 1 %did.number $did(2)
menu menubar {
  Test Dialog: dialog -m test test

click the line you want to change in the listbox then enter the new data into the edit box grin

new username: tidy_trax