Could someone help me with this simple script? I know it is probably a simple thing, but I'm still very much just learning, and would appreciate you help.

I'm trying to make a script that will work like this:
1. shy_and_quiet: pray for judy guardian
guardian: this is a prayer for judy

2. shy_and_quiet: pray for sue guardian
guardian: this is a prayer for sue

3. shy_and_quiet: will you pray for beth guardian
guardian: this is a prayer for beth

I hope you get what I mean. Here is the script that I have tried:

on 1:TEXT:*pray for* *guardian*:#Free_Women:{ msg $chan this is prayer for $3 }

That doesn't work quite right, and I know that it is flawed...but I don't know how to fix it and make it work right.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Basically, I want it to catch the name being ask to be prayed for, and have it return that name in the prayer.

Thank you!


I'm a Scripting Newbie, please forgive my questions, and have patience with me. Thanks!