i've been replacing many of the standard responses given when people /nick, /part, etc. and i've finally worked my way down to /quit... which is proving to be a major headache.

this is what i have at the moment:

on ^*:QUIT: {
set -u0 %quitchannels $comchan($nick,0)
while (%quitchannels > 0 ) {
echo 14 $comchan($nick,%quitchannels) -- 15* 14Quit - 15 $nick 14-15 $asctime(h:nntt)
dec %quitchannels)

it ends up just endless-looping. i'm guessing that it might be that $comchan() won't work on somebody who just quit - but i got the idea to use it from an MIRC scripting site (can't recall which one) and can't think of any other way to get the same result...