For once Watchdog is right. OK we all know that piracy of copyrighted material is bad, but you wander down the street and just about anyone who can click a mouse button has probably thought about and even engaged in piracy of some form.

But to say the internet is entirely responsible for the downward trend in the US economy? *snort*. When a country starts panicing because it's companies can't write software or music or whatever profitably; its not the end of the world.
No one will die without hearing the latest CDs from their artists.
I doubt anyone would ever pirate software which is used in controlling nuclear facilities or hospitals or other life & mission critical roles.
So you can hardly say "OH NO THE WORLD IS FALLING TO BITS" when no one is making $35 a cd anymore.
Start worrying when you can't eat because people are stealing food and you can't afford a place to live thats wamr and dry. Well, thats my US 2 cents (which are losing value as we speak!)