in regards to: { .play -m1 $nick $mircdir\text $2.txt 1000 }

the identifer $mircdir returns the current mirc directory with the apending \ already, so adding \text is redundant .. if u do //echo -a * $mircdir\text .. you will see path\\text with 2 \ 's

also note that $2.txt is seperated from your path by a space and therefore mirc trys to read it in as a seperate argument

we need to use $+() to atatch it to the string

as a result we end up with:

.play -m1 $nick $+($mircdir,text\,$2.txt) 1000 

will do: play -m1 nickname path\text\2ndarg.txt 1000

hope this was helpful

note $+(), its used to alow you to take bits of data that need to be self evaluated and collect them together into a single string ..

for example: a $+ b $+ c is the same as doing $+(a,b,c) both return the string abc
