Use $ticks .... (it's the number of milliseconds since your computer restarted) ....

var %socket $+(sock.,$ticks)
/sockopen %socket IP PORT
/sockmark %socket /filename.exe

as you can see this will make a socket with the name sock.NUMBER .... I used %variables cause $ticks is milliseconds and might change between the /sockopen and /sockmark ...

ok now the on sockopen
on *:sockopen:sock.*: {
     sockwrite -n $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
     sockwrite $sockname $crlf

$sockname is the socket that just connected ...

I hope you understand some of this....

(note: this sample doesn't really work, HTTP usually needs more parameters then just GET/POST)

I really don't know anything.... I just fake it