Hi, I have this little code for automatic messages:

menu channel {
  .Mess 1
  ..Start:/timerA 0 20 msg $chan hello | timerB 0 20 msg $chan hello2 | timerC 0 20 msg $chan hello3 | window -ez @Mess1On
  .Stop: timerA off | timerB off | timerC off | /close -@ @Mess1On
  .Mess 2
  ..Start:/timerD 0 20 msg $chan hello4 | timerE 0 20 msg $chan hello5 | window -ez @Mess2On
  .Stop: timerD off | timerE off | /close -@ @Mess2On

To work the script works...

Only there is a problem: It should work like this; the first message starts after 20 seconds, then 20 seconds pass after the first message and the second message starts, and then another 20 seconds pass after the second message and the third message starts (and so on for all messages) and then starts again all over again starting with the first message.

Instead it happens that once the messages are started, they start all together after 20 seconds and are repeated all together after 20 seconds pass...
Here, is there anybody who could please fix this?

And then one last thing if possible, instead of putting the timers and messages one to the right of the other, is it possible to put them under for example like this? :

/timerA 0 20 msg $chan hello
/timerB 0 20 msg $chan hello2
/timerC 0 20 msg $chan hello3

Just because in a single line with multiple messages it would create a nice long line, while this would be shorter and easier to modify if needed.

That's it, if there is anyone who can do it it would be appreciated, thank you smile