Hello community, I'm looking for an example for the dynamic assignment of timer names, if this is supported at all.
I've tried the following ways but so far I'm not getting the results I'm hoping for.

/timer$nick 4 2 /doWhatever
; the timer should have the content of $nick as name
; but results in a timer named "$nick"

var %nickvar = $nick
/timer%nickvar 4 2 /doWhatever
; the timer should have the content of %nickvar as name
; but results in a timer named "%nickvar"

/timer $+ $nick 4 2 /doWhatever
; the timer should have the content of $nick as name
; but results in a timer named "1"

I've also tried the -N switch, but the result is the same.
Am I using the syntax incorrectly or does /timer not have the function I'm hoping for?
Is there another way to assign a timer to a $nick without a translation table (timer1 = %nick1, timer2 = %nick2, ...)?
I guess I just don't see the easy way. wink