Ok, i found this little code:

on *:TEXT:*words*:#chan: { ban -k $chan $nick 3 | /mode $chan +b $remtok($gettok($address($nick,0),1,64),*,0,33) }

when a nick says a certain word in a specific channel gets banned and kicked.

However I would like to improve the ban on the id, at the moment the ban of the id is like this (taking an id at random): 8snfFjHJ6!*@*

I would like to add a wildcard (I don't know if it should look like this *8snfFjHJ6!*@* or *!*8snfFjHJ6!*@* ) to have anyone with that id be banned regardless of the rest (nick, domain, etc etc)

Is it possible to make this change to the line of code above (without increasing the number of lines of code, but only in that line)?

Thank you for your help.