* hAHHAHAA (~rzifp@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
*hAHHAHAA (~rzifp@ has left #abc

* asdfsdfdfffff (~fpz@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
* asdfsdfdfffff (~fpz@ has left #abc

* Hokokokokoko (~fpz@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
* Hokokokokoko (~fpz@ has left #abc
* Hokokokokoko (~fpz@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 2

* Hokokokokoko (~fpz@ has left #abc HERE IT APPLIES BAN

i have applied max 2 join in 1 second ... more if if i do it as 1 in 1 it kicks innocent users ... let me know if i can make it more better ???? secondl point which is important it only counts IPS if there is Mass join and does not kick users with different IPS becuause it counts as 1 and does not kick them

* Aaaaaaaaaaa (~hpid@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
* JJJJJJJJJJJJJ (~zsgxs@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
*CCCCCCCCCC (~hmqmz@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1
* IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (~jfbp@ has joined #abc
JFLOOD: >>> = 1

Yes are using IRC mode +R but when cannot control flood we apply +R but you know when flood is more keeping +R restrict un-reg users to join the channel ....I just to want to kick and ban such flooder and avoid to apply +R

I hope you understand my point