Hi Kendy,

I tried to code it with my little knowledge. Hope this is surve the purpose. Please test it and let me know.

#idlekicker on
on *@!:JOIN:#help: if !$timer($nick) { $+(.timer,$nick) 1 120 KickIdler $chan $nick }
on *:TEXT:*:#help: $+(.timer,$nick) 1 120 KickIdler $chan $nick
on 1:NICK: {
if ($nick isop $chan) { return }
var %nick = $newnick, %cn = $comchan(%nick,0)
while (%cn) {
if (*#help* iswm $comchan(%nick,%cn)) { $+(.timer,%nick) 1 120 KickIdler #help %nick }
dec %cn
alias KickIdler { if ($me isop $1) && ($2 isreg $1) { ban -ku120 $1-2 2 Don't hang your nick here. Come back after 2 minutes if you really need help! Thank you }

#idlekicker end
