I found the solution wink

Thanks Wims for the tip.

 var %x = $input(Enter an exclude in nick!ident@host format!,euf,Add)
 if (%x == $null) && (%x != $false) { return $input(You have to fill out editbox!,iuo,Info) }
 elseif (%x == $false) { $null }
 elseif (*!*@* !iswm %x) { errdialog You have to enter an exclude in nick!ident@host format! }
 elseif ($hget(pexclude,%x)) { errdialog You already added this exclude! }
 else {
    hadd pexclude %x 1
    hsave -ob pexclude $_tabdir(pexclude.tbl)
    did -a $dname 2 %x
    did -e $dname 6

Last edited by TECO; 13/06/20 10:40 PM.

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