While trying to rename a hash table with a script, I discovered this bug:

http://hawkee.com/snippet/5493/ - lines 221 - 230

; /hrename-prime test-old test-new
alias hrename-prime {
  var %t1 = $1, %t2 = $2

  if ($hget(%t1)) { hfree %t1 }
  hmake %t1 10000
  hadd %t1  abc def

  if ($hget(%t2)) { hfree %t2 }
  ; This fails because the $hget(%t1).size is over 10000
  ; * /hmake: invalid parameters (line 12, remote.ini)
  hmake %t2 $hget(%t1).size

  var %x = $hget(%t1,0).item
  while (%x) {
    hadd %t2 $hget(%t1,%x).item $hget(%t1,%x).data
    dec %x
  hfree %t1

Another rename script:
