Ok, I fixed that by changing:

dialog qc {
  title "Query Control"
  size -1 -1 130 47
  option dbu


dialog qc {
  title "Query Control"
  size 1 1 130 47
  option dbu

Now I have another question, can a few requests be made in separate windows?

The moment is when a new request comes to send this:

#qc on
on *:START:{ 
  echo $color(info) -st 6û Script: Query Control script by is loaded and running. 
  hmake qcaccept 100
  if ($exists(qcaccept.hsh)) {
    .hload -s qcaccept qcaccept.hsh
    echo $color(info) -st 6û Script: hash table for Query Control loaded

and that of the user:

elseif ($dialog(qc)) {
    .msg $nick $ewrap(Sorry $nick $+ , but I am busy with another message. Please try again later. (15 second ignore))
    echo $color(info) -ast 6û Query Control: $nick tried to Query you with an active Query Control dialog open
    close -m $nick
    .ignore -pu315 $nick

Please help.. frown