I'm asking because at the moment the script Peace and Protection (which is close to 18 years old and is a good thermometer for when mIRC changes), is firing on $numeric == 0 and not able to display raw away:*:{} or other raw <non-numeric> properly, resulting in strange output. It can be fixed in the PnP code, but I was thinking that if $numeric should be $null for non-numeric events, there wouldn't be an issue for me to report and I can leave the PnP code as it is.

for the curious:

script\rawdisp.mrc - line: 1651

; Also catches all (incl 307) while in the middle of a whois, unless prev halted
raw *:*:{
  if ($numeric !isnum) return
  if ($halted) return

  ; In a whois?
  _in.whois $1-

  var %pos = $findtok( 1   4  101 104 252 253 254 256 257 258 259 263 351 381 382 407 409 411 412 413 414 416 421 423 424 431 440 445 446 451 455 461 462 463 464 465 481 483 491 501 502 511,$numeric,1,32)
  var %raw =  $gettok(<sn sn> <sn sn>  sn  sn  sn <n   n   n   n>  e   b   b   b   b   n   b   b   b   b   e   b   b   b   b   b   b   b   e   e   b   e   e   e   e   b   b   e   b   b   b ,%pos,32)
  if (!%raw) %raw = b
  if (< isin %raw) $iif(($hget(pnp.config,rawroute) == -si2) || (s isin %raw),disps-div,dispa-div)
  set -u %::value $2
  $iif(s isin %raw,raw.theme,raw.themew) $right(00 $+ $numeric,3) $iif(n isin %raw,$color(norm),$iif(b isin %raw,$:c1,$:cerr)) $iif($2- == $null, ,$2-)
  if (> isin %raw) $iif(($hget(pnp.config,rawroute) == -si2) || (s isin %raw),disps-div,dispa-div)

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