I have the following script and I want to tailor it for male/female aka +'s vs non+'s in the channel. So, basically girls will get a + and be the "Spinner". I want the bottle to land on anyone that does NOT have a +. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

#spin_1 on
on *:load: {
.disable #spin_2
unset %spin.*
on *:text:!status:*:{
.notice $nick Spin the bottle is $group(#spin_2)
if $group(#spin_2) == on {
if $numtok(%spin.list,32) == 0 { .notice $nick There are no players }
elseif $numtok(%spin.list,32) == 1 { .notice $nick The only player is %spin.list }
else {
set %spin.nick $iif($istok(%spin.list,%spin.nick,32),%spin.nick,%spin.last)
set %spin.nick $iif($istok(%spin.list,%spin.nick,32),%spin.nick,$gettok(%spin.list,1,32))
.notice $nick It is %spin.nick $+ 's turn to spin

on *:text:!add *:#:{
if !$nick(#,$nick,r) {
.write spin.txt $2-
.notice $nick Thankyou $nick - $2- has been added to the list
on *:text:!spinthebottle &:#:{
if !$nick(#,$nick,r) {
if ($2 == on) && ($group(#spin_2) == on) { .notice # Spin The Bottle is On }
elseif ($2 == on) {
.enable #spin_2
describe # Spin the Bottle has started
elseif ($2 == off) && ($group(#spin_2) == off) { .notice $nick Spin The Bottle is not running }
elseif ($2 == off) {
.disable #spin_2
unset %spin.*
describe # Spin the Bottle has ended
else .notice $nick Sorry, but you don't have the authority to use that command

on *:part:#:{
if $istok(%spin.list,$nick,32) {
set %spin.list $remtok(%spin.list,$nick,1,32)
describe # Current players are %spin.list
if $nick == %spin.nick { unset %spin.nick }
if $nick == %spin.last { unset %spin.last }
on *:quit:{
if $istok(%spin.list,$nick,32) { set %spin.list $remtok(%spin.list,$nick,1,32) }
if $nick == %spin.nick { unset %spin.nick }
if $nick == %spin.last { unset %spin.last }
on *:kick:#:{
if $istok(%spin.list,$knick,32) {
set %spin.list $remtok(%spin.list,$knick,1,32)
describe # Current players are %spin.list
if $knick == %spin.nick { unset %spin.nick }
if $knick == %spin.last { unset %spin.last }
on *:text:!player*:#:{
if $group(#spin_2) == on { .notice $nick Current players are %spin.list }
else .notice $nick Spin The Bottle is not running
#spin_1 end

#spin_2 on
on *:text:!play:#:{
if $istok(%spin.list,$nick,32) { .msg $nick You are already playing }
else {
set %spin.list $addtok(%spin.list,$nick,32)
describe # Current players are %spin.list

on *:text:!watch:#:{
if $istok(%spin.list,$nick,32) {
set %spin.list $remtok(%spin.list,$nick,1,32)
describe # Current players are %spin.list
if $nick == %spin.nick { unset %spin.nick }
if $nick == %spin.last { unset %spin.last }
else .msg $nick You aren't playing

on *:text:!spin:#:{
if $numtok(%spin.list,32) == 1 { describe # Sorry $nick $+ $chr(44) but it appears you are the only player }
elseif $nick != %spin.nick { .notice $nick Sorry $nick it's not your turn }
else {
set %spin.last $nick
while %spin.nick == $nick { set %spin.nick $gettok(%spin.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%spin.list,32)),32) }
describe # Watches as the bottle spins around and around
describe # Watches as the bottle slows down, and stops pointing at %spin.nick
while %old == %new { set %new $rand(1,$lines(spin.txt)) }
set %old %new
describe # Now, %spin.last you must $read(spin.txt,%new) %spin.nick
#spin_2 end